Hello, hello!
Since we last caught up, I installed the replacement clutch cable, went on a lovely ride with a friend, got to use my new tool storage for the first time, and started building a proper EDC tool kit.
The clutch cable snapped in a super inconvenient spot this time:
Fishing that out of the lever was annoying.
Stupid thing:
The easiest way to swap the cables is to zip tie the new cable to the old one, and then pull the old one out:
Liek dis:
After that was done, I went for a ride with a friend who has a Tracer 900:
Sorry about the open top case, but I couldn’t be bothered to retake it.
And now for the tools.
Many of you have witnessed significant complaining from me about how annoying it is to have to take tools to where I park only to forget one and have to go back, etc. I’ve certainly bitched and whined plenty about this problem, but recently I started trying to actually solve it.
Well, this weekend
I did!
I got
this Ridgid setup on recommendation of
@Blind_Io and
I added the
basket for the really big stuff and moved all my crap from three mismatched tool boxes, several cardboard boxes, and more than one fucking plastic bag:
But now that I’m done, it’s pretty great:
I need to clean up the closet so I can orient it better for use without removal, but even this is a huge improvement:
I got to try it out for the first time, to experience what it’s like not to have tools and projects separated by three stories and what feels like 400
kilometers of walking:
Look at how nice it looks before shenanigans:
And it’s a rather good setup during shenanigans, too:
Not a lot of work was done on this shop adventure, since I mostly went over the bike to see which tools would be most useful on the go.
But I did get to try out the world’s cheapest tool belt in the process, and it’s honestly a lot better than pockets:
Until next time!