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Live Journal


Not A Dude
Dec 22, 2005
Has anyone considered making a Live Journal Community for this site? Do enough of us have LJ's to make that work? I wouldn't mind making it and helping with it, but I don't want to do it without the proper permission or without making sure it is even worth trying.
After reading up on Live Journal I'm still not entirely certain what you're up to. You mean a Blog ring where every LJ user can join if he's interested in TG and/or a member of the site ? If so I don't know where the problem is. Just do it. Viper won't notice and if he should, he'll forget about it soon. :lol:
Why need a separate community? What's wrong with this one?

Have you ever tried to enter top gear download into google? After the official pages finalgear is the first to show up... No additional interest needed... We already had a C&D...

Mostly for people on here that have LJ's, or get LJ's. Besides, this forum is for Top Gear AND Fifth Gear. It could be closed as in I would have to screen everyone who wanted to join, if we wanted. Maybe we would get a bigger community here by introducing Top Gear fans there to this place.

LJ is different than this kind of place. I am not sure what it would accomplish really, but I figured it would be interesting if it worked. I have been on plenty of message boards that also had LJ communities. I just figured I would find out what other people would say.
A thing for Emo's to post depressive shit that noone gives a damn about on the internet and make fake emo friends on the internet.
Renesis said:
A thing for Emo's to post depressive shit that noone gives a damn about on the internet and make fake emo friends on the internet.

So where can I watch yours ? :lol:
The funny thing atm is that Rens page says "Fatal Error" ;-)
Is that supposed to tell us anything??

Renesis said:
A thing for Emo's to post depressive shit that noone gives a damn about on the internet and make fake emo friends on the internet.

Ren knows nothing. It is a place for everyone to post depressive shit the no one gives a damn about. :lol:

No seriously it is a blog site (one of the original ones I believe). I have had mine for almost 5 years now (long before the Emo crap Ren mentioned). It has some great communities on there as well.
Buba said:
Why need a separate community? What's wrong with this one?

Have you ever tried to enter top gear download into google? After the official pages finalgear is the first to show up... No additional interest needed... We already had a C&D...

Didn't we outrank the official 5th Gear website for a while? That was crazy.
Buba said:
The funny thing atm is that Rens page says "Fatal Error" ;-)
Is that supposed to tell us anything??


It was my web gallery, but I took it down and badly reinstalled the software, so atm there's nothing.