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london.... its happening again


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2004
Melbourne, Australia (originally from London, UK)
i guess the 1st bombing didnt cause enough panic and fear among people, so lets do it again... :thumbsdown:
Considering none of these explosions were as serious as the previous ones, i'm wondering if this was a copycat attempt, or if the original people are still behind it. As they said, this could just be a scare tactic, like, "we're not afraid to do it again".

Kill the bastards...
THANKFULLY, no one was hurt.

Seems as if they had rookie terrorists try this time.
Well, no explosives were used if I read correctly.
Viper007Bond said:
Well, no explosives were used if I read correctly.

The way I interpret it (after reading the BBC and CNN coverage) is that there were explosives, but the detonators failed to detonate the explosives, since the police representatives seem to be saying "we struck forensic gold today".

I'm glad no one got hurt seriously today though, and I hope that the terrorists that did this managed to leave a nice little trail back to themselves for the British to follow back to them.
Those good ol' Brits will get them. They had far worse in London, they can handle some cowardly terrorists.


This attack seemed a little desperate. Maybe they are being closed in on and are trying to distract attention
The worst thing they could have done. They might as well have handed a fat file of evidence on them in at the local police station. Hopefully they are arrested and this failure will discourage others.
On the subject of copycats etc....

I remember shortly after 9/11, some 15 year old (non-muslim) flew a small aircraft into a building in Tampa. Didn't cause much damage, and apparently he left a note expressing sympathy with Al Qaeda
As all others I hope they get those pathetic and sick people, but I love British people, and I know they can handle this and defeat cowards.
I think this time we are dealing with feakers


I stand by what I said,

Seems as if they had rookie terrorists try this time.

hokiethang said:
Viper007Bond said:
Well, no explosives were used if I read correctly.

The way I interpret it (after reading the BBC and CNN coverage) is that there were explosives, but the detonators failed to detonate the explosives, since the police representatives seem to be saying "we struck forensic gold today".

I'm glad no one got hurt seriously today though, and I hope that the terrorists that did this managed to leave a nice little trail back to themselves for the British to follow back to them.

I thought they said they only used detonators.
Sympathies to all the Brithish residents. I hope that all the terrorists involved are cought, And they get the punishment they deserve....
Leppy said:
hokiethang said:
Viper007Bond said:
Well, no explosives were used if I read correctly.

The way I interpret it (after reading the BBC and CNN coverage) is that there were explosives, but the detonators failed to detonate the explosives, since the police representatives seem to be saying "we struck forensic gold today".

I'm glad no one got hurt seriously today though, and I hope that the terrorists that did this managed to leave a nice little trail back to themselves for the British to follow back to them.

I thought they said they only used detonators.

I interpreted it mostly from this article (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4705117.stm). Granted I may not be 100% correct as it is still early and likely that many of the details haven't been (won't be) released, It sure sounds like they found explosive material, that hadn't been detonated.