Lyrics by Pictures

No Trigger - North American?
No, America is mentioned in the title, it was released in 1985 and the musician has already been mentioned.
This is Not America by David Bowie?
Bah, sorry I'm retarded.

Congrats to Shawn for getting it 8)
New song:

EDIT:: I'm a dummy, image withdrawn. Sorry Shawn.
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^ Hey, thanks a lot jackass. Read the rules.
Is it that Banana song?

Go ahead Shawn!
^ :lol:

This is pretty easy, can't think right now:
Teenage mutant ninja turtles? :p
Nope... sorry. It can't be that hard guys?
The Turtles - So Happy Together?

Only turtle related song I know...
Nope... neither turtle or car are in the title (or lyrics) but it's probably the two other words you might think of next.
OT: This forum needs a :rong: emoticon. Carry on.
Is the song by the Beatles?
Nope... it's a car that looks like a turtle. What are turtle's all about?!
Slow Ride... take it easy. It's a slow ride 'cause it's a turtle, geddit?

You're up Kip.