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Yeah he is quite good at this :thumbsup:
some of these are just plain weird, Criss Angel is like that too. there is that trick where he goes through a glass window, the one where he turns a glass of water into beer, and the one where he makes that one girl on the street levitate. some freaky shit.
He does these tricks very well.
FireFox said:
don't download if you believe its real :)
I read that thing, and what I found is that some of those explanations could not explain some of the things done by criss angel, knowing as I always watch his show on TV.

For example, the card-through the window trick: the trick is supposed to be that there are 2 people performing it. One is the actual performer and the other one is the assistant. Both are carrying 1 pack of cards each (identical packs).

Performed at a shop with a window in the street, the assistant stays in the inside of the store and the performer on the outside, nobody knowing that the assistant even exists. The performer asks a total stranger, a subject, to pick a card and not show him the card, not knowing that the assistant behind the window (and behind the subject) actually sees the card as the subject tries to hide it from the performer but see it themselves.

The subject then places the card back in the deck and shuffles it. The performer then fakes a couple of failed attempts to guess it, and in a fake outrage throws the pack of cards at the window, where an identical card to that chosen was already stuck to the inside of the glass by the assistant.

This way it looks like the performer throwed the pack of cards at the window and the card that the subject picked out stuck to the glass window, and even more, stuck to the inside of the window.

HOWEVER, Criss Angel has preformed this same trick, BUT he did it from the inside of a moving bus, throwing the card through the windshield. Therefore, an assistant could not have been on the other side to look at the card and then stick it to the windshield, because he would have surelly been run over. What's even more, he made the subject SIGN THE CARD therefore it could not have been an identical card from another pack that someone else stuck there beforehand.

As far as I'm concerned, some of the tricks I've seen made by him and david blaine can't really be explained by these methods. I find this totally entertaining. These tricks are very common among magicians, they use them all the time, and magic fans know them well, but they take them one step forward, just as this trick, showing that the normal tools people would think that the magician must have used COULD NOT HAVE BEEN USED.

That's what I find truly ingenious of today's top magicians, they take old tricks and make them better.
and criss angel also flew way above the ground.. not using his toes to lift him up like david .. and he made a girl flaught.. and the camera went around her a few times without cutting scenes... howwwz0rs?
I saw a few episodes of that Criss Angel show, and it seems to me like most (almost all) of his tricks are explained by camera angles and editing. Just like David Blane's levitation described in pdf above. I also looked in newgroups, and people said that indeed audience in his most amazing street-shows are actors. That ordinary people were not let on the set, and it seemed like they made many takes to get some trick shot on camera.
It's a show, and show is about the ratings...