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March 29th, 2004


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG


The issue with the horizontal lines is a known one. It's for this episode only. ;)


Yay! New season!

VUK had some problems with the drivers and audio syncronization though, but managed to put together a decent copy. However, he said he'd have a better copy by the end of the week probably (due to tweaking) and so I told him better to wait.

So, a little delay, but hopefully it'll be worth it. ;)
Better late than never :)

Besides, bad audio sync ruins everything in a vid. Thx to VUK for doing all the hardwork though :mrgreen:
it will be worth it, VUK is aiming for perfection and chances are we wont wait long for other eps once he gets it right this time, well worth the wait. :)
hey guys WHEN did the new season start, and when do they show it like what day?
Fifth Gear just started and it's on Monday nights. Top Gear starts in May I believe and is on Sunday nights. Use the search feature of the forums - it'll tell you. ;)
Audio problems resolved and it has been uploaded to the server. I'm downloading it now to make a review of it for the site and to create a torrent for it. :)

Seeders & Donaters: ETA sometime tonight.

Everyone else: sometime tomorrow. :)
Well, there's these lines in the video. (See this thread for an example.) If it was an issue with the capture and VUK can't get rid of them, then I'll release this.

If he thinks he can re-encode (like it's a encoding issue) and get rid of them, we'll wait again.

Gonna wait until VUK gets back to me.
Release it m8.

Next one will be without those lines, in another words "perfect" :D

Okay. :)
Great stuff!!!
BTW dod you all know that Jason Plato (apart from being back in racing this season, with SEAT in the BTCC) was the presenter of Chaznnel 4's 4Car program, which sort of competed with TG and FG? And that he has to use an open face helmet because his nose won't fit in a fullface??!!! (just a joke).
Well, you learn something new every day!!
I think 4Car is now defunct, but who cares with Vicki and Tiff on the one hand and Jeremy and the dwarf on the other!!
Keep up the good work!
Not yet - hopefully later today for this one. Uploading the ZIP to a secret FTP currently so my seeders can help me with the initial seed. :)
Torrent is up. :)

Completed and seeding! :)

BFV, eh? Nice. 8)

)-SiN-( Smoking with Charly || || 26 players

^^ My clan's BFV server
Completed and seeding now. Watched the show last nite, it seems that the crash test of the renault and EuroNCap looks like a paid advert for Renault and EuroNCap. But then the results seems chilling, makes me think twice when I buy another car. :roll: