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Mate a car


I Bought This Title :o
May 17, 2004
The Netherlands
Just found this on a photoshop site, thought some ppl here would enjoy it, made me laugh a few times :)

So, you want a vehicle with performance and off-road capabilities? No problem! Mate a Ferrari with a Range Rover to create a Ferrover!

You want luxurious, yet affordable transportation? Build yourself a Jagundai...or maybe a Hyunderbird.

The possibilities are endless. Take two existing automobiles (trucks included) and combine them to create a new, outrageous vehicle. Heck, your end result can't be any weirder than a Pontiac Aztek.


Whatever cargo is in the bed will likely not stay there for very long in the corners :lol:
Found this on the internet

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The BMW 350Z looks pretty nice. The Ferronda (or Zondari) looks like it was meant to be that way. Man I wish I was artistic and/or creative.

The ferraghini is what you call sharing the work lol
This thread belongs to photoshopping, not photography...
I started it before we even had a photoshopping forum, no idea why it keeps getting bumped.

But it is nice to see the original link still works :)