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May Exercise #1 RESULTS *56k warning*


Lazier than Viper
Nov 27, 2003
Quebec, Canada
2007 BMW Z4 3.0 SI
Bad news for this exercise, VERY little entries, but I want to thank all of the participants, from FinalGear and Dieselstation, I hope more of you will enter the next one! :)

Secondly, I want to remember you that the voting guidelines can be found in the rules topic which is here and don't forget that you can't vote for your own chop! but you can vote even if you didn't enter the exercise

The original;


So here are the entries for this month!

Chop #1 ()


Chop #2 ()


Chop #3 ()


Chop #4 ()


Chop #5 ()


Chop #6 ()


This thread will open once results are in, for discussion, comments etc.

There will be 3 days to vote, then I'll post the results

I had forgotten one entry, it's not a late arrival, it's all my fault, I'm really sorry.

If you did not vote yet: Go vote you fucker! :lol:

If you did vote already: Your vote has been cancelled, please revote. If you don't want to vote for the new entry and therefore you keep the same vote as before, just PM me to tell me to keep your vote.

Thanks and sorry again.
So the results are finally there! Congratulations and thanks to everyone, voters and participants.

Please note that the next contest will start as soon as the winner gives me the next photo to chop

We had a tie for first, between chop #4 and #5, so instead of keeping it like that and giving the choice of the next pic to #4 since Rinmax had already won last competition, I asked for more votes, and finally, #5 came as the winner.


In 3rd Position with 12 points, Leppy!


In 2nd Position with 21 points, Renesis!


In 1st Position with 23 points, Rinmax!


For detailed results, please refer to the voting char, in MS Excel format available here

This thread will now stay open for questions, comments, congratulations, critic, etc. As long as it stays on topic.
Have you guys noticed Renesis voted on the ones that were further away from his chop? hmmmmmmmm :lol: jk

I found all good, but had to decide on 3. Congrats to all of the participants... :clap:

\\\ EDIT ///
Andy, ditch that sun glare effect. It's very good, but that effect cheapens the chop. ;)
aite... will do for the next one ;) , still a noob at photoshop, just learnt it last month :lol:

anyways... 4th place is good enough for me to celebrate... even though there were only 6 people :lol:
bihus said:
Have you guys noticed Renesis voted on the ones that were further away from his chop? hmmmmmmmm :lol: jk

:lol: didn't notice myself, but I did like #5, it's original but I thought it could use some more work!
Renesis said:
bihus said:
Have you guys noticed Renesis voted on the ones that were further away from his chop? hmmmmmmmm :lol: jk

:lol: didn't notice myself, but I did like #5, it's original but I thought it could use some more work!

Yeah, I thought it needed more work, that's why I voted in yours. But it is a great idea, and it had to be recompensated.
Thanks for those that voted for my smash job. I just thought I'd try something a little different, and it worked.

Hopefully we'll get more entries in the next comp.

Congrats to the winners. dude send the new pic ... i might enter this one. if i have the time.. am busy studying these days
umm for the 3rd choice (leppy's) i don't see anything changed in it, cept that its smaller in size :p
Dude, what a noob u are! it's the original, his modded version is the bigger pic underneath!


haha andrewhui sucks, he was telling me how good his was and what did it come? LAST! or somewhere near, pherhaps even below last coz its so crap rofl
jasonchiu said:
haha andrewhui sucks, he was telling me how good his was and what did it come? LAST! or somewhere near, pherhaps even below last coz its so crap rofl

So where exacly is your entry again. :roll:
jasonchiu said:
haha andrewhui sucks, he was telling me how good his was and what did it come? LAST! or somewhere near, pherhaps even below last coz its so crap rofl

That's worst than your usual spam. If you're shopping for a one day vacation, I might have a deal on those jason.