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Michael Schumacher in critical condition after head trauma

depends how he turns out...

schumi in coma is better than schumi who needs to be spoonfed...
Local media reported that too.
I must say I was very surprised!
He just wouldn?t miss a World-Cup match of the german team ...


[...] schumi in coma is better than schumi who needs to be spoonfed...

I think his family will disagree ... and Schuhmacher has been a role-model and inspiration to Millions in his life so far - he can be that again, no matter how he comes out of this. I wish him the best in terms of recovery, but when you look at people like Christopher Reeves, you can see that despite tragedy - people will look up to someone like that again for what he does for society. One thing is for certain I think; Schuhmacher is not the type of Person to give up. No matter what.
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Now, we?re told, with what appears to be a bit of a triumphal air, that Michael is no longer in a coma. As stated above, THIS IS NOT NEWS. I cannot help but think that this is a highly cynical use of language, using the truth to convey an impression that is almost certainly false. I cannot but think that if Michael had emerged AT ALL from the minimally conscious state that Sabine so accurately described in April, we?d be told that Michael is leaving for rehab, that he is having problems expressing himself and will work hard to get better. Or that he?s having to learn to walk,read, write, etc all over again. But no, we?re told what we already know, and pretty much told to not ever expect further updates. Kinda like what I was thinking.

This all leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. And a huge space of sadness for Michael?s family, and for you, his fans.
I saw that this morning too and couldn't be happier for him and his family.
I saw that this morning too and couldn't be happier for him and his family.

Same here. It's nice to hear!

Usually when someone's in a coma this long people don't come back.
bone said:
schumi in coma is better than schumi who needs to be spoonfed...
Glad you're not my relative.
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here, but I have to agree that media, as usual, portraits the happenings quite unfortunate.

If you look at Sabine Kehm's statement again, she merely said he is not in coma anymore. This is not equal to being conscious or even responding clearly enough to claim that he will make a full recovery. If this were the case, you can be sure she would have stated something like that instead.

There's been the process of slowly reducing sedatives since the end of January to slowly get Schumi out of his artificial coma and to see how his body responds. It seems that his body responded well (with "well" = "no catastropic failure"). In April, his manager said that there are signs of consciousness, which again is very vague and can mean a lot of things.

To my understanding, Schumi has responded "well" enough to the reduction of sedatives that he has now reached a level where they were able to transfer him from one hospital to another. I strongly doubt that he is conscious as most people understand it, neither conscious like a patient simply waking up from a coma in a movie, nor as conscious as a person waking up after surgery.

Of course, Schumi responding well and being transferred are good signs of hope, and there still is a chance of a full recovery, but please do not see the latest happening as an ultimate breakthrough. There is a good chance that a full recovery, if possible, may take years. So sit back, keep your hope up and continue to wish him the best!
Glad you're not my relative.

if you plan on hanging your relatives next to the painting on the wall, and keep them alive just so they wouldn't be dead, i'm glad i'm not one of yours!
if it ain't life, you're better off dead!
if you plan on hanging your relatives next to the painting on the wall, and keep them alive just so they wouldn't be dead, i'm glad i'm not one of yours!
if it ain't life, you're better off dead!
My point is if he were alive but severely incapacitated, and not requiring mechanical ventilation or "life support" to keep going, to say he's better off dead is callous in the extreme. And you're talking to someone who frequently has to have this discussion in favour of not keeping people technically "alive", through "artificial means."

Your previous statements imply you would just sooner suffocate a self-breathing, incapacitated person with a pillow than let them take another breath. Or some "better to burn out than fadeaway" bullshit
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He probably weighs 80-90 lbs, can barely move on his own, likely has major motor function issues and probably a lot of memory loss. This is assuming he's making his way toward a full on recovery, but if you were in a coma for nearly 6 months those were the things that would effect you.

They don't want media at their house constantly, they don't want pictures of him in this state leaking on the internet, he's a champion and regardless of whether or not he makes a full recovery, they want people to remember and imagine him that way.

I can understand their being vague. It's a very delicate situation for him and his family right now. He will need a LONG time to recover, and that's assuming he even has full control over his body and mind (which I certainly hope to God that he does).
if you plan on hanging your relatives next to the painting on the wall, and keep them alive just so they wouldn't be dead, i'm glad i'm not one of yours!
if it ain't life, you're better off dead!

Mrs. Kehm confirmed that Schumacher's medical record was stolen and offered to the press for 50k Euros or more. She made absolutely clear that the contents are classified and that legal measures will be taken, should anything private from this record surface.

That's pretty much the definition of classy right there.