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Active Member
Feb 7, 2005
Does anybody play minesweeper? This, in my oppinion, is the best game of all times (after sex) :) Post your times if you got them.


My best beginner time is actually 5 sec, but on another computer.
The high-scores can easily be edited. There just inside a textfile. :lol:
If you did it yourself, congrats.

Greetz Johan
I did the times myself. Of yourse it would be easy to edit the picture in photoshop as well, but what would be the point?

The desktop bar is SysMetrix with CandyGlass1024 theme. You can google it easily.
jensked said:
By the way, where did you get that desktop bar with those Winamp controls?

There's also a plugin for firefox for winamp/wmp/... I find it very handy.

Greetz Johan
Cool. I've tried your custom grid a few times. I haven't been able to get sub 200 sec time yet, but I'll post the result when I do. Only problem it'll have to wait till monday, cause I'm going away for a few days. But be sure to check this thread next week. :)
Oh I play it loads too. Some people play solitair, others minesweeper.

I'll see if i can beat that score on my pc later :)
My best for beginner was 4 seconds and my best for expert was about 98 seconds IIRC.
Yah, I used to play that game a lot.
IIRC, my times were very similar to yours Wooptidoop.
chaos, I played your custom grid, and I got a time of 203, but I can't het it under that yet. I didn't screenscapture it because I was sure I could do better, but seems my fingers are a bit lazy today. :) What's your best time for this grid (24x30 , 150mines for those of you that just tuned in)?