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New Member
Nov 13, 2005
Greenwich, NY, USA
Hi everybody. I'm ken, just sugned up here. I have a question. I've been reading here about mininova, and I believe I found the site, but, what I found was a pay site, and wanted to make sure that I found the same website that you all seem to talk about. I'm in the search for new Top gear episodes, 5th gear, and would also download some of the older top gear also. I have some miscelanious top gear/5th gear episodes on my computer already, but, I believe most of them are just partials, I will probably download entire seasons, and then delte what I currently have. I'm goign to try adn read and do as much finding without asking as I an, but, I do have 1 more question - are most of the files on here in torrent form? My computer really doens't like torrents, lol. Once in awhile, it'll download a torrent just fine, but, most of the time, it simply hates them.
Replace .com with .org and you should be fine. And yes, most of the stuff comes in torrent form.
This should probably be in the technology section, but still...
Mininova is free...
and what do you mean when you say your comp doesn't like torrents? Perhaps someone can help...