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Mobo Dead?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2005
San Francisco, California
Hey you techno geeks, I got a problem.

I left my computer on for a day without running anything except windows. When I went to the comp to use it, it was already off line. So i figure i must've turned it off beforehand. I tried powering it up but it wouldn't.

I checked the outlet(i even try directly plugging it in to the wall)
I tried 2 PSUs, one with 500watts.
I tried booting up with only the vid card and 1 ram plugged in.

When i loosely connect the connector from the PSU to the mobo, i can see the led light blink rapidly and the cpu fan spins slowly. WHen i plug in the psu mobo connector all the way, the led light dims to a very low green.

Now what could the problem be?

Can it be possibly that mobo or cpu is dead?
mobo is a ASUS P4B533. I called it in for an RMA already.

Capacitors all look good actually. Doesn't look bend or bloated.
My guess is it's dead or very close to it, especially since you tired other PSUs, but I'm not a certified "techno geek" ;)