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Forum Addict
May 26, 2004
hong kong
hey guys i recently got a video in MPEG2 format, i downloaded a nvidea thingy and it still wont play.

keeps asking for directshow?

do i just need a mpeg2 codec?


yeah the main problem is i cand find the were to download Mircosoft DirectShow whcih real player keeps asking for. Windows Media Player doesnt even try to play it :x
KLite codec pack is good, but having a bunch of codecs gave me sometimes a lot of trouble...

Nowadays I use the FFDshow codec, it's only one codec (open source) that does everything. I never have problems with that one. I install it on my friends' pc's. They used to call me every week for another file they could not play, but with the FFDshow codec, I never get calls anymore :)