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My new rims for the Beetle!


May 28, 2004
Tesla Model S 75D BMW E39 Wagon
I bought them second hand at a Beetle meeting, and they were a bit rusty and in just Ok condition. Now I had them professionally sandblasted, and I think they look awsome! These are rare Jubilee rims, and I will paint them black in the middle and silver the rest. (VW center cups too!)




niiiiiice :thumbsup:

how much did you pay for the sandblasting? i know companies who would do it for free if it isn't to big, while others ask loads of money for it
Nice. So I guess we will have to wait 7 months give or take before they are on the beetle? :). Ahh winter season :roll:
bone said:
niiiiiice :thumbsup:

how much did you pay for the sandblasting? i know companies who would do it for free if it isn't to big, while others ask loads of money for it

Nada .... my dad knows someone who works at a place which uses their sand blaster daily, so I got it done for free ..

Mischief007 said:
Nice. So I guess we will have to wait 7 months give or take before they are on the beetle? :). Ahh winter season :roll:

yea, 7 months give or take. They will be my summer rims, as they will be a lot better looking than the ones I have on now ..

Dont paint them.

You just ruin them.
I fyou leave everything like the way it should be that car will be worth ALOT when you finally sell it sometime in the future.
I can't just leave them like they are, they need some treatment. I was told on a VW forum that powder paint is the only way to go .... it's the stuff they use on motorbike "chassis". Besides, I want that colour combo anyways :D

Nice :D
powder coat them then you would have some perfect rims for a beetle