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Game: My Summer Car

With today's steam outage, I couldn't play this game. Mouse worked but the keyboard controls outside of alt+F4 worked. Once steam came back online, all was well.
^That day I was driving home after towing the tractor into town for a fuel fill up. On the way back, I got a tank slapper, crashed and died. Since I had permadeath off, I drove the van over to pick up the poo truck and tractor. Turns out when you die, everything stays where it is. Once I got out there, (this was on the main highway road thing) I was hitching up the tractor and got hit from behind and died. So van, tractor and poo truck were all stuck far as fuck from home.

So I walked out there with a case of beer. :| (I'm on vacation, and I have no money so, why not? :D)

Just barely made it there, unhooked tractor and drove fast and fuck back home in poo truck because the fatigue bar turned red a fair distance away. Went to bed and when I woke up, I got the tractor. Went to bed again, and got the van. Rolled the poo truck twice with the van. Thankfully, the poo truck rolled back over almost instantly.

Biggest frustrations with the game is the tiny window of "activate parking brake or other buttons." I spend most of my time trying to find the exact spot that makes the sauna steam, or the parking brake on the tractor work. It's quite infuritating and is the reason I don't this game for longer periods of time and take days off in between.
Biggest frustrations with the game is the tiny window of "activate parking brake or other buttons." I spend most of my time trying to find the exact spot that makes the sauna steam, or the parking brake on the tractor work. It's quite infuritating and is the reason I don't this game for longer periods of time and take days off in between.

I know what you mean, I feel the same. But how do you make the sauna steam up? I still didn't manage to do it, even with the knobs under the heater.
The sauna stove knobs are usually to do with heat and time. Perhaps you have to wait an in-game hour or half for it to heat up; or if you turn the timer too much it'll take ages to heat.
Turn both knobs to max, go wrench on the car. Some time later come to check the thermometer on the wall, if it's high enough, you need to fill the bucket with water and use the scoop to throw the water on the stove. It can be a bit tricky to throw it properly.
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Ah, thanks very much. I will try this later and ladle myself some steam!
I usually leave the sauna on indefinitely and then turn off lights in the house when I leave. :|

I finally put the satsuma together but couldn't find the last bolt for the clutch linkage. While towing to fleetari, I lost the clutch linkage somewhere. So, now the engine runs decently, I can't find the spot that mounts the A/F gauge and I can't shift gears. But, I have an alignment, the brakes works. I have a wing back at the house waiting to put on.

This game has now turned into my life. work work work, drink beer, sleep, pee, work work work, stare at cars I own thinking of what I should be doing with them.:cry:
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*Scene: me getting ready to adjust the valves on my freshly completed Little Turd II (Little Turd I's owner tried to take a highway turn at full speed in a Ferndale, and met a tree. It was last seen being flipped off while being peed on by an angry Finn, who was busy yelling something about dorks of pussies)*

"Hang on, I unscrewed all the bolts for the rocker cover. So, why isn't it coming off?"

*A few seconds later, I get my answer: I undid a couple of head bolts by mistake. Which I realized when the entire cylinder head suddenly popped off.*

So, I flipped the shit truck while trying to tow the crashed ferndale back home while passing my van on the side of the road. So, a few days ago, I walked with a case of beer back and drove the ferndale home because the shit truck was beyond rollable with the glitch "put your hands out and move around until it rights itself" trick. So I got MSC Editor and spawned the shit truck and van back at home while I had the ferndale parked on the driveway.

moving the ferndale and undoing both parking brakes of the van and truck with a bunch of flailing with the hands out got the truck on the ground and I was able to make money again. Since the truck was down, I did some jobs and got money for food since re-spawning your truck removes the food and beer from inside the truck but doesn't give you money back.:censored:
Turns out the food and beer was left where the truck was crashed!

Haven't played this since december - did the game get some updates which are worth mentioning?

Judging by your pictures it's still a ton of fun. :D
Yeah, I believe it was either just before or after Christmas. Can't remember all the stuff but, that the techno Viking's presence was reduced. Not totally eliminated, though.
That guy was always ok I think, it's just the guy on the dirt road that freeks me out. Always gets you in a blind corner. Truly a wonder I haven't died more often ...
My Summer Car

There a second yellow techno Viking that sits in front of the shop. If you're close enough, flip him and he zooms around crashing into things. And the door open and gas pump turn on switches are behind the counter now.
Yeah, about that...

"you are in a tunnel

go back to home
and sleep overnight"

I was trying to see if I can get to the town faster then driving on the roads, apparently, you can't if you turn right the first time you meet the tracks on your drive from home. I haven't tried going left yet. Also, the tracks cause lots of parts to fall off. Muffler, tail pipe, fenders, hood....
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The parts FALL OFF? :rofl:
Yeah, it makes towing the car useless because parts fall off so easily or the car will get so banged up you either have to delete the meshsave file to clear damage or pay fleetari to fix the bodywork.