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National Geographic Magazine


Active Member
Jan 18, 2005
Vantaa, Finland
MGB GT 1971

National Geographic is the most read magazine in the world, it has about 10 million readers. The Magazine is famous for its marvellous photographs and good articles.

My dad subscribed to National Geographic in the 1980s and 1990s, but he stopped it in 1993 (He hadn't so much time to read it because of lots of work. And his English wasn't so good either.). Now I found all those old issues and they are rather interesting. Very good articles and a lot of great maps. I have issues from January 1980 to January 1993, only September 1985 is missing... :( Some maps (about five) are missing too.

I've read this mag also in Finnish, and now my parents bought a 6 month subscription for me. Of course the original version would be better, but it goes in Finnish too...

I was just wondering that maybe there are a lot of National Geographic readers here, too... It would be nice to know. And it would be great to discuss this mag a bit.

You may visit http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ for more information about the Magazine and National Geographic Society. :)

BTW, has someone visited the NG museum in Washington D.C.? I was in D.C. with my folks in 2000, and we visited the museum, too. IMO it was very interesting. :)
I currently subscribe to National Geographic. My parents had it when I was young, but I have recently re-started it partially because of the amazing photographic work that they do. I haven't been to the National Geographic Museum in DC (its been a long time since I have been to DC even though I live less than 3 hours away :-\), but I can imagine how good it is.
Its a great magazine which I have never suscribed to. I usually read it at the library or the dental clinic lol.
Hmm, it seems that few persons are interested in this mag... :cry: Or maybe they just don't bother writing in this thread. But as said, this mag is very nice. I was reading those old issues today and found very interesting articles about reunited Germany and illegal hunting in Canada. Yea! :yes:
Never really red the magazine, like the documentaries on tv thought (not the best airing time as i am never home then but still)...

On a side note, Lederlieber does your love of grapes exceed the fermented state?? :D
I can't say that I am a regular readerof the magazine but I have read some of them. I subscribed for it last month but haven't received anything yet.

My recent read was february 2005 issue. I particularly found the "EMPTY QUARTER (Rub Al Khali)" article most intresting. The photos were unique and it gave an in depth analysis of the Bedu Tribes. The read was adventurous and felt like I was actually there.

I prefer such magazines because they give the reader more knowledge about the world. Most of the times The things which they show here, I never even know about.

Excellent read. recommend it to anyone.