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Need help redesigning my blog


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
So I'm kinda growing tired of my current design and I want to redesign and be ready for when I'm REALLY tired of it. However, since I don't have the artisitic abilities to come up with ones from scratch, I gotta use a template as a base.

I've come across this one and I kinda like it. What do you guys think of it?

I've played around with it a bit and this is what I have so far (most of the changes are behind the scenes). I'd also widen it to fit a 1024 screen rather than a 800 one.

Should I continue work on it? Or should I go for something else? Perhaps this: http://andreasviklund.com/os/andreas01/
Re: Need help redesigning my blog

Viper007Bond said:
Should I continue work on it? Or should I go for something else? Perhaps this: http://andreasviklund.com/os/andreas01/

I personally like that last one, but the one you're currently working on isn't too shabby either :)
Hey, it all looks really good, except the header might be a little too neon?

EDIT: the black looks good: The color changer is a good feature :thumbup:
Looks great! Though I think you should add more padding on both sides, looks a bit cramped at the moment.

The headers look like they need more contrast, especially the black one. But the color changer is excellent!
I think the padding looks ok ;)
Lookin' good man 8)

Thats so cool how you can change colour like that...wish you could do it with this site and get rid of all the red :p
can i have a hug?
can i ask, if i wanna use one of thse blog examples as my own website, do i just save the html and start editing to my liking or is there a template file to d/l?
AxlxA said:
can i ask, if i wanna use one of thse blog examples as my own website, do i just save the html and start editing to my liking or is there a template file to d/l?

There's a template:

Just saving the HTML isn't going to give you all the images and other coding either.
awesome. Now can i use frontpage to edit them or something?

I'm a n00b when it comes to web design.
AxlxA said:
awesome. Now can i use frontpage to edit them or something?

I'm a n00b when it comes to web design.

Yep, looks like static HTML, so frontpage should do the trick ;)
I like the orange header.

There seems to be a bit of a problem with the code style, which doesn't wrap properly. Thus, long lines don't fit on the screen and a horizontal scroll bar is added.

Another thing, perhaps you should add some sort of a background for the color changer and such to bring them up a bit from the site background?

But the design looks good, very clear and easy to read.