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It was nice knowing you. :wave:
I vote for an official 'FinalGear Seal of Not-Fakeness'. Those words and a mission statement (something like 'Forever Seeking and Destroying Trolls', but in latin) around the six-speed shifter logo. In gold.
What about those of us that had a topic long before this thread existed?
I think those have been grand fathered in, but even if not it isn't much of a burden to take a picture.
When I added a new moto to the stable, I just made sure all the vehicles were in the shot with the proof paper.
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Just as a neutral post here, I think this rule is a little dictatorish. I've had a thread closed for not posting a proof picture; I'm fine with that, I appreciate you have rules to adhere to and there shouldn't be exceptions. But certainly in my case, it just means I won't bother posting pictures of my car on here. I think you're potentially keeping members away with decent cars because they don't want to go to the effort of proving ownership to a bunch of people online.

I appreciate it's not a lot of effort, and you'll probably get a lot of kids who lie about the car they don't own. But this is a forum, not a car club.

As I say, it's a neutral post, and not really my place to say given that I pay nothing into the site and don't contribute much other than a few photos, but it's just an honest opinion.
Two points:
1-It?s not a big effort, so just do it, FFS!
2-It?s not a democracy. It?s a Viperocracy.
SouthMexico? :lmao:

More like Latin Texas! :lol:
Just as a neutral post here, I think this rule is a little dictatorish. I've had a thread closed for not posting a proof picture; I'm fine with that, I appreciate you have rules to adhere to and there shouldn't be exceptions. But certainly in my case, it just means I won't bother posting pictures of my car on here. I think you're potentially keeping members away with decent cars because they don't want to go to the effort of proving ownership to a bunch of people online.

I appreciate it's not a lot of effort, and you'll probably get a lot of kids who lie about the car they don't own. But this is a forum, not a car club.

As I say, it's a neutral post, and not really my place to say given that I pay nothing into the site and don't contribute much other than a few photos, but it's just an honest opinion.

Is it truly that hard to take out a piece of paper, write your name on it, and take a picture of it inside your car?
I can't write....
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I think you're potentially keeping members away with decent cars because they don't want to go to the effort of proving ownership to a bunch of people online.


Also, it's a (user)name on a piece of paper. Not bank account details.
The PYC section essentially is a car club. As far as getting a proof pic if you refuse to do it you're either incredibly lazy, are lying, have something to hide or own an MX-5 and are very insecure about your pink knob.
Just as a neutral post here, I think this rule is a little dictatorish. I've had a thread closed for not posting a proof picture; I'm fine with that, I appreciate you have rules to adhere to and there shouldn't be exceptions. But certainly in my case, it just means I won't bother posting pictures of my car on here. I think you're potentially keeping members away with decent cars because they don't want to go to the effort of proving ownership to a bunch of people online.

I appreciate it's not a lot of effort, and you'll probably get a lot of kids who lie about the car they don't own. But this is a forum, not a car club.

As I say, it's a neutral post, and not really my place to say given that I pay nothing into the site and don't contribute much other than a few photos, but it's just an honest opinion.

That's not really a neutral point, but the point is this.

This is Viper's site, he pays for it, runs it, ppl are here of their own free will, but the place runs by his rules, thus it's his dictatorship. But unlike real country dictatorships, if you (the general you, not you specifically) don't like how things are run, you have the freedom to leave and not read/post. No privately owned website forum is obligated to be run like a democracy and freedom of speech does not apply either. Webmaster has the right to edit, delete or lock whatever he chooses.

If you want to have a voice in how things run, then help pay for and run his site.
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The only thing that ever bothered me about the rule is that some people do a lot of ass kissing to those with nice cars, so they tend to be get really upset if they find out they kissed the ass of someone who didn't own a nice car and get angry. And we end up with rules like this.

To me, it doesn't matter what you own. The fact that you have the ability to write a bigger check than most doesn't make your opinion worth anything more. But there are very knowledgeable people out there who build cars and have a legitimately extensive knowledge of cars and how they work who can be a real asset to the site. So it is kinda nice when those people take the time to prove their ownership, since you may want to ask them questions in the future and take their advice seriously without wondering if they are just liars pretending to know their stuff.
The only thing that ever bothered me about the rule is that some people do a lot of ass kissing to those with nice cars, so they tend to be get really upset if they find out they kissed the ass of someone who didn't own a nice car and get angry. And we end up with rules like this.

To me, it doesn't matter what you own. The fact that you have the ability to write a bigger check than most doesn't make your opinion worth anything more. But there are very knowledgeable people out there who build cars and have a legitimately extensive knowledge of cars and how they work who can be a real asset to the site. So it is kinda nice when those people take the time to prove their ownership, since you may want to ask them questions in the future and take their advice seriously without wondering if they are just liars pretending to know their stuff.

To me I personally don't give a flying **** wether some stranger on the Internet actually owns the car he claims or not. This person is not in my life, I'll never know or actually be friends w him, so it makes little difference to me. But since there are people on the forums who do take it very seriously, the rules are the rules and they have to be respected even if one personally doesn't agree w them.
To me I personally don't give a flying **** wether some stranger on the Internet actually owns the car he claims or not. This person is not in my life, I'll never know or actually be friends w him, so it makes little difference to me. But since there are people on the forums who do take it very seriously, the rules are the rules and they have to be respected even if one personally doesn't agree w them.

Absolutely, I won't argue against the rule, I understand why it's there and everything. I'm just saying, there are pro's and con's. I'm fine with the rule, in the end. In today's day and age, it really shouldn't be that big an inconvenience to take your phone and snap a pic and include it with your thread.
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