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New MS Vista (Build 5308)

seem pretty solid then? looks alright.
What is really so bloated about XP? I clean install is pretty bare actually. To me, the features in Vista actually look kind of useful, some of them anyway.
jeffy777 said:
SL65AMG~V12~612BHP!!!!!!! said:
What the hell is it? An updated OS or a skin? I like it :)

An OS:
:oops: I'm a bit slow. So its a new OS huh...I like it alot! I'll be searching for a DL link now :mrgreen:

New WMP11 looks really good aswell and IE7 is apparently excellent however I had a bad bad expirience with IE7 Beta.
Wasn't there a thread about what Vista is and how good/bad it was?

Personally i wish to stay with XP sp2 since it's perfectly stable for me.
screw it, i'll install it when i have this build. I'll have to see if nforce3 drivers are supported.
jeffy777 said:
SL65AMG~V12~612BHP!!!!!!! said:
jeffy777 said:
SL65AMG~V12~612BHP!!!!!!! said:
What the hell is it? An updated OS or a skin? I like it :)

An OS:
:oops: I'm a bit slow. So its a new OS huh...I like it alot! I'll be searching for a DL link now :mrgreen:

Vista is still in Beta form I believe, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to get it yet if you really want it now.

Yeah Microsoft is protecting the downloads, by keying them to each beta participant. If you download it from an unauthorized source, they can track it. I'm waiting for the official servers to stop being really slow before I try downloading the latest build.
I installed the last build on a spare drive and it was fucking excellent. I haven't tried 5308 yet, but it looks very very good. first fully featured build too. I know most nerds say you should wait for the second release build of an OS to upgrade, but I was onto XP within a week of its release and considering what i've already used of Vista and the very drawn out and super thorough development, I'm thinking i might migrate when Beta 2 is released in April. I still have my fingers crossed that i'll get picked as a Beta tester when they do Beta 2. So far it's been all CTPs, they haven't done the regular user beta yet.
well since i havea spare harddrive literally sitting infront of me, i figure i might as well mess around iwth vista for the 14 days that i'm allowed to use it. i'll also try installing ubuntu and or mac os x86
All these "features" have been available in other OSes for years now, it's a little late from MS. And you can get add ons and skins for XP that do the same shit too.

seem pretty solid then? looks alright.
And how exactly do you tell that from a screenshot? You don't.
zenkidori said:
All these "features" have been available in other OSes for years now, it's a little late from MS. And you can get add ons and skins for XP that do the same shit too.

seem pretty solid then? looks alright.
And how exactly do you tell that from a screenshot? You don't.

How do I tell that it looks alright? Well, a screenshot is a visual replication of the original ya know :bangin: That's what it looks like......and I think it looks alright. It's not like it's an animation that's constantly changing. It's an OS, and you can tell from the screenshots what it looks like. Even with games, you can determine that it "looks alright" if you have enough screenshots to look at.

And, yeah those features can be found through add ons, but it would be nice to have it all built into the OS.

As I said before in another thread, windows has been good to me for almost my entire life (since 3.1). I'm not going to abandon it for another OS, even if others have had these bells and whistles for years. It's not like these desktop features are the only things changing.
lol guys, calm down.

I know most of the visualization effects in vista could be had with the use of winblinds and whatever other programs are out there. If we all go to the Off-Topic forum and look into the "Post your desktop" thread... you'll see.

But what is interesting me is the all those Aero window look, where all the grey part of my xp windows will be transparent/blur of the background/whatever that is underneath. And the start+tab looks kind of cool w/ the 3d rolling windows.

I also want to see how stable it is and how fast it can boot up. I'm in the process of "acquiring" mac osx x86 as well so i can play around in that too. Spare harddrive rocks.
AxlxA said:
lol guys, calm down.

I've been calm dude. It's not like I was screaming that post or anything. Was the bangin smilie too violent? :lol: I don't think zenki was really beyond calm either.

I'm not a Windows fanboy, but it's been good to me. That's all I can say ;)
What other OS have you tried?