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new/rare form of HIV

justin syder

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
New York, USA
1986 Mercedes-Benz 300E

Right here in NYC. :eek:

NEW YORK - Health officials said Friday a man has been diagnosed with a rare strain of highly drug-resistant HIV that quickly progressed to AIDS.

The case was found in a man in his mid-40s who had unprotected sex with other men, often while using crystal methamphetamine, an addictive stimulant.

Gee who would think that drugs could be so dangerous if a premiscious person or gay man used them.

And Im not a gay-basher but this might be natures way of telling humans not to do certain things. If you are going to be permissive to all sorts of behavior, drugs, sex, then you WILL reap consequences.
Wow. Tells you how viruses can evolve for the worse. Good find justin.
^^ Really, I think you should wait for a more complete scientific explination of this before spouting off some dogmatic explination. There was a lot of damage done by people generalizing and jumping to conclusions when AIDs was identified in the 80s.
Re: new/rare form of HIV

but this might be natures way of telling humans not to do certain things. If you are going to be permissive to all sorts of behavior, drugs, sex, then you WILL reap consequences.

I really dont think thats the case. It's only that some people are very unlucky, I dont think that nature is trying to tell us stuff like that. A bit too religous I think.
zenon said:
^^ Really, I think you should wait for a more complete scientific explination of this before spouting off some dogmatic explination. There was a lot of damage done by people generalizing and jumping to conclusions when AIDs was identified in the 80s.

I read it in the newspaper as well. Do you offer a superior explanation?
The case was found in a man in his mid-40s who had unprotected sex with other men, often while using crystal methamphetamine, an addictive stimulant.

so he wouldn't have gotten aids if he wasn't using the drugs? :?
bone said:
so he wouldn't have gotten aids if he wasn't using the drugs? :?

He might have used a condom had he not been under the influence of drugs.
No one will know what caused this new strain of HIV/Aids until the scientists tell us. Other than that we can take it with a grain of salt and wait to see what the pros have to say about it.
cvrefugee said:
zenon said:
^^ Really, I think you should wait for a more complete scientific explination of this before spouting off some dogmatic explination. There was a lot of damage done by people generalizing and jumping to conclusions when AIDs was identified in the 80s.

I read it in the newspaper as well. Do you offer a superior explanation?
Read what I posted. I am saying we shouldn't jump to conclusions without a thorough scientific explanation, thus I have no superior explanation and would never try to explain it myself.

The amount of people who died from AIDs in the 80s because of extreme social stigmas and misinformation was absolutely appalling. When the media decides to heavily promote sensitive stories like this without real scientific explanations all it will do is cause damage. They obviously haven't learned anything from the AIDs epidemic, so I really hope the public has and won't take this story seriously until there is a scientific explination. :(
I see what you are saying Zenon but the CLEAR FACTS are as follows;

*he was under the influence of drugs, lower inhabitions and rational thinking
*he did not use a condom
* unprotected sex will increase your chances of getting something from someone, you dont know who has what disease.

Thus we can conclude, whether or not this is some new HIV strand or not, that reckless irrational actions will increase the chance of serious consequences.

This whole AIDS epidemis is soo over-rated. It can be prevented so simply yet due to ignorance and irresponsibility has helped spread this disease.

Mull of that all you want.
This whole AIDS epidemis is soo over-rated. It can be prevented so simply yet due to ignorance and irresponsibility has helped spread this disease.

i agree, and this is even more the case regarding drugs!
Justin, i agree with u except for:


This whole AIDS epidemis is soo over-rated. It can be prevented so simply yet due to ignorance and irresponsibility has helped spread this disease.

U must be talking about aids/hiv in rich countries. In africa it's a whole diffrent story, and there is where the really big problem lays. And that part is not over-rated nor easily prevented at all.
U must be talking about aids/hiv in rich countries. In africa it's a whole diffrent story, and there is where the really big problem lays. And that part is not over-rated nor easily prevented at all.

Well for third world countries I would blame ignorance of people. They are not informed of certain diseases and their govt. could care less about their poor people dying. All in all, with education and preventative methods this "epidemic" can be prevented. Granted it would be harder in poor nations, it is STILL IN U OUR GRASP to control this disease.
justin syder said:
U must be talking about aids/hiv in rich countries. In africa it's a whole diffrent story, and there is where the really big problem lays. And that part is not over-rated nor easily prevented at all.

Well for third world countries I would blame ignorance of people. They are not informed of certain diseases and their govt. could care less about their poor people dying. All in all, with education and preventative methods this "epidemic" can be prevented. Granted it would be harder in poor nations, it is STILL IN U OUR GRASP to control this disease.

Frist of all the situation is WAY MORE complicated than u describe it. In africa alone almost 25 milion ppl (in comparinson: approx 10 % of US) are carrying hiv/aids. Unlike the the us population these people are mostly living in unurbanized enviroments and over an are as big as africa... These ppl don't know what condomes etc are and if they do they think they are dangerous. Here's where your part of education fits in well, but the scale of the problem is undescribable. The problem is also heavliy rooted in culture/religon/traditions. If a man for instance get hiv the traditional cure is to have sex with a virgin... Many leader of african countries are also denying that the problem even has the slightest thing to to with sex. I could go on giving examples of complications forever, but i think u get it.

The question is how on earth we brake through all these complicatins? Don't kow how, don't know if edication is enough but it is the best we got so far....
If a man for instance get hiv the traditional cure is to have sex with a virgin... Many leader of african countries are also denying that the problem even has the slightest thing to to with sex. I could go on giving examples of complications forever, but i think u get it.

I really didnt know that and if its true then... :shock: .

But as I said,
Granted it would be harder in poor nations, it is STILL IN U OUR GRASP to control this disease.

Educating them will be hard, breaking their old views/cultural medicine but it is not epidemic.

This can really be controlled if all rich nations of the world came together to help stop this.
I wish nations could come together and try to stop the epidemic, but it really won't help. Viruses evolve with amazing speed, and this new strain of HIV is only the begining.
If there are not drugs that totally eliminate HIV, then HIV will eventually gain a tolerance to the new drugs and it will start all over again.

Whats very interesting about HIV is the European resitance to the virus. HIV cannot attack cells that have a mutation CCR5. For instance this means that 9% of French people cannot get the regular strand of HIV because they have resistance to it.

Africa... This is a good question. Unfortunately with their present condition education may not be that effective. With large political unrest education may not be easy as the country is still developing. Currently the young popluation 15-18 is some of the greatest in the those countries, and it would be also the most costly to educate. Hey, unless Trojan wants to sponser them, it will be very difficult