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Newbie using ABC - Slow torrents?

Michael Blue

Nov 27, 2005
Central IL
Hey there!

I'm using ABC on an XP machine on DSL.

I'm getting some rather slow torrent speeds, and the D/Ls are in "gold" color, telling me there's an "incoming" problem.

ABC is excepted in my firewall (windows), and my router firewall is open.
I have shut off the firewall with no success.

A little help?

I am a newbie, so PLEASE post responses descriptively.

well, if you are using a router, that's the problem, not the firewall if the firewall is set to permit access. At least that became my problem when I installed my router.
Bittorrent clients need to listen on some ports, just like servers for incoming requests and data, but if you're using a router, more than likely you're sharing 1 ip adress between your computers, so the router has no idea where to send this incoming data.

So, in total, you need to allow outgoing access to the internet AND incoming (server-like) access to the internet for ABC on both the router and the computer. (If you have not done so already.) Next, you have to change your PORT-MAPPING settings in your router, so that any incoming connections will be redirected by your router to the correct computer that is using ABC. These settings are differently set in different router models, I say consult your router's manual, explanations should be there. As well, I'm using Azureus, so the port numbers for ABC might be different, I don't know, you have to go into your client's settings to figure out what ports to open and map .... and make sure you open them on both TCP and UDP ...
And if that doesn't work, you gotta change a setting in window too, but I can't find the document with those instructions, so if that doesn't fix it, post back for more.
I do have a router...I'm using a Westell Versalink 327W, and have already checked the settings, but found nothing there for TCP/UDP settings.

I only have 1 computer on the system right now, though I will be adding another first of the year.

If you find the document on the settings, please post/link it here...I love the idea of being able to get files this way, but right now straight "leeching" would be 100Xs faster.

I don't know of any outright servers for the leeching Top Gear/Final Gear programs though...

If you want some kind of protection, open just the ports you need. That said, if you want less problems (and since mine has a limit of entries on the port forwarding configurations) I opened up all ports.
Right before using the router, I had it connected through the modem, so it's basically the same.
I'm no good with port forwarding so I won't bother to explain that but I can recommend the only other program I thinks better than ABC: UTorrent

^ Sorry about that.

I tried utorrent first, but the "help" on their site...Wasn't.

You have been MUCH more helpful to an admitted newbie, so thank you!

I'll try these ideas from the few posts above in the morning and let you know.

Michael Blue said:
^ Sorry about that.

I tried utorrent first, but the "help" on their site...Wasn't.

You have been MUCH more helpful to an admitted newbie, so thank you!

I'll try these ideas from the few posts above in the morning and let you know.


No problem, that's what we're here for :-D

utorrent is good software, and it lets you specify the port. As for the router configuration, I can't really help, as I use a Linksys WRT54G as my router :-\. I'd check with the manufacturer about how to open ports. One suggestion I could say to try is connect your computer directly to your DSL modem, and see if it works then (having the ports opened in the windows firewall). If that's the case, you might have to call and ask your router manufacturer how to open ports (just say you want to use it for a video game or something). Sorry I can't be more helpful :-\
Just use Azureus, and then go to their site. They have a lot of detailed articles in their Wiki on how to set it up.