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No need to rip TG in the future? Maybe, maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Los Angeles

So TG will be offered on the BBC site as a P2P streaming download. Will that make this site pointless in terms of TG? No, definitely not if they keep the quality i saw on the promo video since you can actually see the compression blocks (remember 56k and Real video? ugh!) None the less for the lazy and slightly more legally inclined, the episodes will be available for 2 weeks after airing and this might help those who don't have broadband internet access at home or wherever :)
I personally find it interesting for a concept, but I still think that some kind of P2P slightly-delayed internet TV would be best :D
I think I would still d/l from here as the quality is really good... even some of the TV shows that I d/l of suprnova aren't as good
There is no way that this site will shut down because of that...even if BBC would offer HDTV quality rips of TG, we'd still talk about them over here. The community here is too entrenched, and we're not going anywhere.
Ultra_Kool_Dude said:
I wish the CBC was half the network that the BBC is.
The community here is too entrenched, and we're not going anywhere.

No single person here is more important than the next.

A person with one post and his opinion is valued as much as a person with thousands of posts.

We are a sharing group/community that does not discriminate.

Gentlemen, this is our Fight Club.
Afraid of losing out to illegal download sites :D

and once they released the episodes themself (will only be available for 7 days), there realy is nothing wrong with this site anymore. they gave it
This is absoloutely brilliant news, i wouldn't worry about it damaging this sites top gear downloads, as other have pointed out it's only for 7 days and we have a good community here.

But think about the what the BBC are actually saying by doing this. While other area's of the industry are attacking the internet and P2P groups, they have now said it's pretty much ok to distrubute any of their programs worldwide free of charge. Which basically means anyone in the world can recieve 7 channels of programming and god knows how many radio stations for free which in view is what the internet and BBC is all about. As for the quallity it's only going to get better.

It also means that all the torrent sites out there archieving BBC programing have a leg to stand on if the lawyers come knocking.

Long live the internet, long live the BBC!!!! :)

justin syder said:
The community here is too entrenched, and we're not going anywhere.

No single person here is more important than the next.

A person with one post and his opinion is valued as much as a person with thousands of posts.

We are a sharing group/community that does not discriminate.

Gentlemen, this is our Fight Club.

Nice words

Hope everybody thinks like you
This is very good first step for the BBC to make, and it would certainly be great if other networks did the same...
For once someone is taking the proper stance towards P2P file sharing, I find it very mature and even futuristic thinking on behalf of the BBC.... They didn't take things to court and they are not trying to kill the ppl who download their shows and watch them.

And about if it affects this site, of course needless to say what numerous others said. Zero effect because it's not about providing TG episodes over here
haha604 said:
So British taxpayers will be subsidizing the whole world in television services ...

Exactly what I was thinking. I don't see any problem if the BBC only offers a small selection of their programs, but if they offer everything, I would be a mad British tax payer. :lol:

Seriously, it doesn't seem fair to the tax payers in the UK.
Not really, since the taxpayers pay to get the service, and they do. It doesn't matter if 50 others see a select few shows since they don't get the guaranteed programming that the taxpayers do.

Some of you my not realize: this is only for a FEW programs, and TG was luckily one of them. They will never broadcast all of their programming or radio, unless some new conditions pop up.

Remember you get what you pay for: nothing = crappy compressed video for a few highlight shows.

The only reason why they are doing this is because they will feel better knowing they released the rips online instead of viewers. There's no real market unless they put ads or commercials, which as far as I know, BBC isn't allowed to do like this. Besides, P2P means they are in charge of the equivalent of a tracker and thus they can decide to pull the plug on anything they want, but they also don't need to worry about bandwidth at all.