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No sound


Forum Addict
May 26, 2004
hong kong
hi all, i jsut downloaded clarkson no limts, and unfortunalty...it has no sound... is anyon able to help me out on this one? thanks in advacne
Download AviCoded : http://avicodec.duby.info/
Install it and use it to look what audio codec that video is using.
Then download and install that codec (AviCodec might have a web link to the one you need).
hey Sti, the one i have requires, what i tihnk is, AC3, whatever that is wehre do i get it? thanks in advance
Try downloading ffdshow software. It has Xvid, Divx, AC3 and most of the popular codecs in one installation. Save you time download seperate codecs.
^^ I used to install codec bundles like that, but then I found that you get into less of a mess if you install only what you need at the time that you need it. :)
hey espnsti, i still cant get any sound i donno why,

this fiels is called


do u know what file i need to down load?

i used ur program and it said i needed AC# DVM or something and i download it and it was just a bunch of fiels and i have no clue what to do with them

many thanks
According to the file name description, and from what I remember all it uses is AC3.
Weird, all you should need to do is to download this:
That should get you "ac3filter_0_70b.exe", and then if you double click on that it should install.
You might need a reboot, but after that, there shouldn't be anything that you'd need to do.
damm! it worked! thanks man, i downlaoded that ac3 filter b4 but then after unziping it i didnt find the exe file for some reason.