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NOD32 users

Vette Boss

Forum Addict
Nov 14, 2004
United States, Britain, in time
2006 Volkswagen Passat 3.6 VR6
I'm not sure how many of you keep the auto-updater running, but there is a big update availible now, it sounds very important.

If you're not running the auto-update, go into NOD32 and fetch the updates manually, it includes some new tools to protect your computer from virii even further. The download is about 4.5MB
Well, mine is set to auto update, the *only* program I allow to do that because update are very small and unobtrusive. :) But mine was updated yesterday so I guess I have the most recently version. I also just ran it manually, no update necessary. :p
Updating now. :)
what is NOD32?
It's an anti-virus program. :)
