So, after 5 years of being a member, and like 3 posts ( ), I noticed there is a NSFW section at the bottom of the page...
Naturally, being curious and more important, being male, I clicked it...
Imagine my shock when I discovered that I can't view pr0n on a car related forum, 'cos you now, that stuff 's pretty scarse these days...
Jokes aside, what are these privileges, and how do I get them? Because if it's about posts, I'll need at least another 5 years to double my post count
Naturally, being curious and more important, being male, I clicked it...
Imagine my shock when I discovered that I can't view pr0n on a car related forum, 'cos you now, that stuff 's pretty scarse these days...
Juicy, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You have not yet verified your e-mail address. If this is the cause, a notice will be at the top of your screen instructing you to do so.
If you are trying to make a new thread and your e-mail address is verified, you are not allowed to make new threads in this area of the forums.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features, or some other privileged system?
Jokes aside, what are these privileges, and how do I get them? Because if it's about posts, I'll need at least another 5 years to double my post count