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Open Msg to Pres Bush from Bill Maher


Active Member
Jun 2, 2005
> Bill Maher's closing--an open message to George Bush:
> "Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more.? There's no
> more money to spend -- you used up all of that.? You can't start
> another war because you used up the army.? And now, darn the luck, the
> rest of your term has become the Bush family nightmare:? helping poor
> people.? Listen to your Mom.? The cupboard's bare, the redit cards
> maxed out.? No one's speaking to you.? Mission ccomplished.
> "Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and
> walk away.? Like you did with your military service and the oil
> company and the baseball team.? It's time.? Time to move on and try
> the next fantasy job.? How about cowboy or space man??
> ?
> "Now I know what you're saying:? There's so many other things that you
> as President could involve yourself in.? Please don't.? I know, I
> know.? There's a lot left to do.? There's a war with Venezuela.?
> Eliminating the sales tax on yachts.? Turning the space program over
> to the church.? And Social Security to Fannie Mae.? Giving embryos the
> vote.
> "But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now.? Why?? Because you
> govern like Billy Joel drives.? You've performed so poorly I'm
> surprised that you haven't given yourself a medal.? You're a
> catastrophe that walks like a man.? Herbert Hoover was a shitty
> president, but even he never conceded an entire city to rising water
> and snakes.
> "On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four
> airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of
> New Orleans.? Maybe you're just not lucky.? I'm not saying you don't
> love this country.? I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if
> you were on the other side.
> "So, yes, God does speak to you.? What he is saying is: 'Take a hint.'"
Yea, like people should listen to Bil Maher. He called the 9/11 hijackers "courageous" a couple years back. :roll:
:lol: Go Bill! That made my morning.

As for the comments, yikes man, thats the best you can do? A misquote and a personal slam. Poor Bill, his audience really is getting smaller. . . when did this country become so millitant about differing points of view?

I know, I know. I'm from California so I'm not really an American (yes, I have been told that more than once). I'm beginning to agree, California would be a much better place if it left the unuion.
a personal slam
Maher's letter is playground hate speech. This type of thing is a loser's last volley in a lost battle, and it's the only thing the far-left has left to say these days-- drawing false conclusions, making personal insults and placing blame on the republicans.

Maher neither has the intelligence nor the balls to actually DO anything about what he complains about.

I'm not a Bush fan, but I seriously dislike the "hate and divide" attitudes of the both extremes, right and left, right now. There's nothing good coming from this.
^^^ agrees with kanderson ^^^

As long as we are talking about misquotes, its disingenous to say we lost four airliners under Bush. Just because terrorists failed to destroy the WTC in 1993 doesnt mean it didnt happen under Clinton's watch, right?

There is no black and white on anything, so its overly simplistic to blame everything on Bush.
Terrorists don't care who the president is. Both WTC incidents were being planned long before they occurred. It was under Clinton that the 9/11 pilots entered the country and got trained.
Have we actually confirmed that he wrote that? I find that 90% of the crap sent via e-mail is made up.

Regardless, Mahr is funny as hell. I love his TV show, almost as much as The Daily Show. :D
Oh, please. I thought it was hilarious. Factual, probably not. But funny, yes. Especially: "Turning the space program over to the church. And Social Security to Fannie Mae. Giving embryos the vote."
Bill Maher is a dipsh!t. And yes, he gave that speech at the end of his show last friday.
Even Bush is smart enough to excuse this letter as plain trash.
Do you think Bush will even take this guy seriously?
Z Draci said:
Even Bush is smart enough to excuse this letter as plain trash.
Do you think Bush will even take this guy seriously?

of course, he wont. He never takes anything seriously, not even lives (of others) !
kanderson said:
What an ignorant asshole. I'm no Bush fan, but this is a stupid, purposeless letter.

to bad its NOT A LETTER!

its a COMEDY MONOLOGUE from the COMEDY section called new rules of his COMEDY show. :D

and yes its a FUNNY show. :p

why are you taking what a COMEDIAN says so seriously..

btw, his show kicks ass :thumbsup: :D