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paint on the net and watch it later

To both of you. That is amazing.
I just set it to a higher speed... Really funny...
hasn't this been posted here before or was it somewhere else... because I remember seeing this before :lol:
I heard from yesterdays race UKD isn't that bad anymore... :roll: ... some times when you see that in the first turn, you might as well walk away from the computer and go have popcorn :mrgreen:
Hehehe this is neat, I gotta make one soon.
MXM said:
Couldn't expect anything else from you UKD :lol:

I did another one. This time I wanted to represent the essence of fear, a terror!
Look at it: http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?ig5flq1b1sxg
Truly horrifying sight.

P.S. Only a limited group of people will understand that though...

I like that one. :lol: