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Pakistan Shaken with Disaster.


Photoshop Mod
Mar 21, 2005
Carrickmacross, Ireland
BMW E46 318 CI
It is sad to see the aftermath of the earthquake in Pakistan. Most of the aid is being sent to Islamabad but the Northern villages are still unattended. about 30 000 have died and others are still being searched.

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These past two to three years have shown us many tragic disasters and who know what next.
damn, that's terrible :eek:
Yeah its really unfortunate for them. Its such a remote area too. Best of luck to those affected.
OMG, that's ALOT of people :eek:
It now stands at 45,000 people, apparently.

45,000 people? We Americans live in blissful ignorance thinking that that kind of death toll will never happen in America, home of Home Depot and the Hummer H2. Hell, Katrina only killed less than 1,000 people, I believe? :roll:

God, that's twice the population of my entire town. We can't even fathom death tolls like that.

You can expect me to give generously to whatever fund that will blow the money on drunken stag parties in Cancun and possibly a single 24-pack of water painfully flown into the disaster area 3 months late by underpaid Army grunts. ;)
Yes it is most disturbing.

I just love the fact that we barely think twice, as it briefly fills two minutes at the start of the news, about this disaster which has claimed over 30,000 lives.

But 2000 Americans die in New Orleans and we have blanket coverage with it on the front of every paper for weeks as we have thousands of American crying and yelling "dahm you God, why are you punishing us".
Janus said:
Yes it is most disturbing.

I just love the fact that we barely think twice, as it briefly fills two minutes at the start of the news, about this disaster which has claimed over 30,000 lives.

But 2000 Americans die in New Orleans and we have blanket coverage with it on the front of every paper for weeks as we have thousands of American crying and yelling "dahm you God, why are you punishing us".

QFT, absolutly true.
Fuck man, I hate when stuff like this happens, why doesn't it happen in Japan, USA, France... even Canada?

Where we have solid buildings, money, insurance, healthcare ressources...

Renesis said:
Fuck man, I hate when stuff like this happens, why doesn't it happen in Japan, USA, France... even Canada?

Where we have solid buildings, money, insurance, healthcare ressources...

they've got all that too. its just that Pakistan is more prone to natural disasters of this nature. Same with Japan once in a while, and California can have some nasty earthquakes. Canada and France are just in a more stable location.
Not really, if that had happened in Japan, there would be EASILY 10x less deaths than now.

They're all in little villages, which are unreachable.. buildings weren't made for this either...
Janus said:
Yes it is most disturbing.

I just love the fact that we barely think twice, as it briefly fills two minutes at the start of the news, about this disaster which has claimed over 30,000 lives.

But 2000 Americans die in New Orleans and we have blanket coverage with it on the front of every paper for weeks as we have thousands of American crying and yelling "dahm you God, why are you punishing us".

It's the way our society works to be honest. It's sad but true. Showing blanket coverage in America is simply something that the general public can relate to. It's the same with terrorist attacks in the US/London/Bali versus bombings in Iraq. It hits home more too see people in business suits covered in rubble because people stop and think "that could have been me", whereas seeing it somewhere like Iraq or Pakistan etc does not have the same effect because there is an automatic detachment.

There is a old media saying that goes one death in your street is worth 10 deaths in your country which is worth 1000 deaths across the world.

Also, I love the different websites in the US claiming that Hurricane Katrina was God's revenge for Homosexual marriage/Abortions etc.
Magnet said:
There is a old media saying that goes one death in your street is worth 10 deaths in your country which is worth 1000 deaths across the world.

LOL, I studied Media & Communication Theory as well. :lol:
bartboy9891 said:
Renesis said:
Fuck man, I hate when stuff like this happens, why doesn't it happen in Japan, USA, France... even Canada?

Where we have solid buildings, money, insurance, healthcare ressources...

they've got all that too. its just that Pakistan is more prone to natural disasters of this nature. Same with Japan once in a while, and California can have some nasty earthquakes. Canada and France are just in a more stable location.
Yeh and I heard that after the Boxing Day earthquake, places like Sri Lanka, India and places up north like Pakistan were more prone to earthquakes in the future cos a new plate formed underneath them. Very very sad indeed!

I dont know why no1 asked yet but Raheel, you heard of any loses or close calls from friends or family back home in Pakistan?? :eek: I hope all is well for you at least..
Our relatives are all well fortunately, but a brother of a friend in the embassy was buried under the rubble of his house, in Kashmir. His body hasn't been found yet but who knows, just maybe he still lives. Its most unfortunate but people are trying to clear the place with their bare hands, which is a really slow and dangerous process. I was happy to hear the efforts the spanish have done as they came to get visas for the team they sent there.

Its true u never really know the magnitude of these events until u are affected urself !Lets just Hope and (pray) for better !
Yea, an earthquake of that magnitude would cause significant damage to even hardened cities like LA or San Fran, I think. So no surprise when this happens in a place with much less stringent building codes(especially villages!). Its very sad.
Theres even that one village covered by a landslide that they aren't even gonna try to dig up. :unsure: