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No 56k: Parked like an idiot

Reminds me of the time I deliberately chose the smallest space at Cockpit cafe just so I could climb out over the door of the Smart. ?
You know the type that goes out of their way to park badly at the store? Right under a no parking sign, etc to avoid having to walk a couple of meters from an actual parking spot.

It would feel so satisfying to be the fire engine driver that gets to grab the creeper gear and push a six figure luxury car out of the way because it’s blocking the hydrant.
I just remembered that there's a Facebook page of bad parking for this town, run by a friend. I haven't looked at it for a very long time, one scroll through it reminded me why I don't go on there. It's like being at a zoo and admiring the animals throwing shit at each other.

Anyway I was only reminded because their page header is a fire engine that can't get between parked cars, while I was there I quickly grabbed some gems to share. Not my pictures, if the framing of this first one didn't make it obvious.


The Aston badly parked outside Majestic is kind of tragic, might be an alcoholic. ?
Trucks too big, must park at an angle…..
For a second I thought there was no centre line, in which case I would blame Lidl for assuming people would use their own discipline.
Nah, I'm afraid most people who park like this aren't aware at all that it's a dick move, they are just extremely selfish...
24 hours later and he's still there! Sure there's other spots available, but still, what a dick move!
24 hours later and he's still there! Sure there's other spots available, but still, what a dick move!
No parking time limit before it gets towed? We call that kind of parking 'abandoned' and after 24 hours or more it seems like an accurate description!
Someone forgot the parking brake 🤣
