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No 56k: Parked like an idiot

This doesn't make any sense. When I click my original link, it brings me to the place I intended, but when I click the link in the quoted message, it brings me somewhere completely different?

EDIT: not doing it anymore :dunno:
imagery speaks for itself

This is what a Penn State education gets you :rolleyes: (I went there, I can say that):


haha yes. We actually have plenty of campus parking and yet people end up parking just like that intentionally. (Penn State.)
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It's legal here to park on the sidewalk if you leave 1 meter of space on it so the pedestrians can walk. I don't think it's a bad ideea as a parked car off the road leaves an extra lane usable.

There wasn't 1 metre of space left, there was barely enough to go around without touching the cars (There were other cars parked on the street right next to them and then a building on the other side). I had to go around the cars on the street to get to the other side.

Oh, and one was a BMW :bmwpoo: :lol:

Bad example because the cars on the right are on the sidewalk a bit, but imagine that street full of badly parked college students and students looking for places to badly park.

Rofl, WPI. My dad sometimes parks in the president's reserved parking space because there's such little parking by his office. Once the actual president showed up (he drives a blue Touareg, btw) with my dad's crappy 1996 Nissan Sentra XE with the missing passenger mirror (this was a few years ago) in its spot. Much hilariy ensued.

Of course, he could park in the massive sprawling library parking lot below, but there's never any parking there, either. College parking...:roll:
At least college parking is free!

Oh wait, it isn't. The thing that gets me about it is the fact that the employees (faculty and staff) get to park closer than the customers (students). Imagine how pissed off people would be if the first 10 rows in the Walmart or mall parking lot were reserved for employees.
There wasn't 1 metre of space left, there was barely enough to go around without touching the cars (There were other cars parked on the street right next to them and then a building on the other side). I had to go around the cars on the street to get to the other side.

Oh, and one was a BMW :bmwpoo: :lol:

Dude you should see Greece. Sidewalks barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side on and cars park completely on it. I might dig through pix my g/f took and see if I can find one of what I mean.
At my university people got a ticket for [parking on the sidewalk............... me too.. although this isn't my car.....
yah... these cars parked on the sidewalk really are an extreme obstacle for people that walk there.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Now I respect the parking nazis as much as anyone else, but I'm sorry, what the hell were they thinking? Are the wheels technically even ON the sidewalk when they're resting on the sidewall like that? And this happens next to a university, where some people are probably international enough to think that's the correct way to park a car?

(Correct me if I'm wrong in thinking Brits park their cars that way)
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This morning(yes, that's a gate, the school one in fact)


and a little later


Also look at this Smart climbed up on the sidewalk

that last one is EPIC WIN.

sort of like "I WILL find a parking spot very close to where I wanna be dammit!"
Went shopping today and saw a BMW estate parked on the emergency lane when I went into Best Buy, and still there when I came out half an hour later. Driver's just sitting there with the windows down listening to his tunes. Worse was Mercedes S550 thinking it's a compact car, Toyotas taking two spots. It was horrible.

I will definately start carrying these in my briefcase now...