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Photoshop Exercise June1

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Lazier than Viper
Nov 27, 2003
Quebec, Canada
2007 BMW Z4 3.0 SI
For the first exercise of June, the pic you guys will have to photoshop is the original VW Golf!

(click for the 1600x1200 version)

This thread will remain open for discussion, but do NOT post your progress or photoshop here, if you want to share your ideas you can, but be aware that the competition is looking! :p

Don't forget that your chop must respect the rules that you can read here

I hope you'll participate and have fun! :thumbsup:
nice, old, rare, and rear view, a little diversity with this one 8)
yeah like it, i will join now:) the cars before were just very....:p
This is great, you modricers can all go to hell trying to destroy this old classic :lol:

(soon to be finished with my entry)

EDIT: Hey Renesis, should we apply a rule for this single competition being:
- Any clear taillights on the Golf will result in permanent ban? :D
at the moment due the disk problem, my photoshop is gone... i'll reinstall it soon and do the chop...hopefully....got another 4 papers next week.... then I AM FREE....END OF HIGH SCHOOL....NO MORE CHEM...NO MORE PHY.....at last i'll get to do what i want...
I think we'll be seeing some fancy exhaust systems on this one :p
hope we will see lots of entries ... i think this pic has lots of potentials so chop it! :thumbsup: ;)
So far so good. i am trying something different this time. chop is looking ok.... hopefully will finish it after my exams next week.
I was just wondering is there any limit for how much you can change the picture? or can I change nearly everything :lol:
Ok so I went a bit mental on this stupid photoshop exercise and I'd like to show you what happened.

I'm posting it here cause I reckon I'll have another go at it.

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