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Photoshop puzzle :)


I paid for this title
Jun 9, 2004
Can you make a simple black filled circle on white background in photoshop without touching the mouse. Just keyboard? :) You shouldn't use any programs that move cursor using keyboard, just plain Photoshop.

Although I didn't solve it, so just looked up the answer, the solution is pretty cool :)
Yeah, solution isn't very trivial. But I can tell you that you don't have to use anything from toolbox :) Obviously, you couldn't, because you can't control cursor.
I have a solution that does make circles but not 100% perfect ones :)

New document, by defualt its a white background, then hit D to make sure the colours of your brush are defualt - black and white, using the ALT and TAB key, go to filter -> render -> clouds, then filter -> distort -> zig-zag (there both falues to max, and stlye is pond ripples, then filter -> stylize -> trace contour, and there play with the size untill you get in the middle something like this:


(image is cropped for illustration purposes, but apparently you can also crop it using canvas size)

BTW, here's a very simple one: get a circle image from somewhere, and open it in ps with ctrl + O :lol:
BTW, here's a very simple one: get a circle image from somewhere, and open it in ps with ctrl + O

Ok, addition to rules: no cheating :)

The solution is cool too (and I guess there're more ways to do it), but with this "official" way, circle looks like that:

Ok, apparently nobody cares, so here's the answer. In white just in case you don't want to spoil it:

New Image - Ctrl N, say 200x200
Fill - Shift F5
Canvas Size - 600 x 600 for example
Now you have a nice black rectangle.
Gaussian Blur - radius around 150 pixels
Brightness/Contrast - and contrast all the way up, at 100
And there's the circle :)
You lame lazyass wankers... All you can do is put chrome wheels on cars. :thumbsdown: :p