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Playing MKV file on Xbox360


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005
Suzuki Swift 1.3 2006

With this new season of Top Gear, I thought I'd do what I've been doing for quite a few seasons now.. Change the MKV container s? make the file playable on my Xbxo360.

I've used my external harddrive (which is formatted in FAT which is necessary), and it used to work fine.

Now though, nothing shows up. Microsoft recently changed the way you can use external harddrives on the 360, so I've even tried to let the Xbox partition 16gb and format that..

The thing is, my portable drive shows up on the Xbox360, and the folder the video file is in shows up, but no video file.

I've tried numerous times to convert the MKV file using Mkv2vob, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
I use GOTSent which works most of the time but isn't perfect. I haven't found a good alternative though.

Great, thanks I'll try that!

Spent a couple of hours in pure frustration the other night :D