Well-Known Member
What should I do?,
As you may (or not) have noticed, there are 2 cars in my sig. at the bottom of my post, an Alfa and a VW Corrado.
The Corrado has been for sale for a couple of months now at 4500 Euros with no takers.
Today I recieved a phone call which went something like this...
M = Me, O = Other guy
M - Hello
O - You have a Corrado for sale?
M - Yes...
O - What's the bodywork like?
M - Well it lives in the street, so there are a few scratches and bumps but it's not too bad. Mechanically it's fine.
O - I'm not too bothered about the mechanical side.
M - (EH !?) Why's that then.
O - I work for a production company, and we are making an advert, we need an old coupe, a Calibra, Toyota, BMW or something and I saw your Corrado on the internet.
M - Cool, what will the car be doing?
O - Well we are going to take it to a stadium and drop a wrecking ball on it from 50 ft.
M - (WTF .....silence)
O - Could you please send me some Photos so I can show them to the Director ?
M - OK, Bye.
Now, the car is a bit tatty, Mechanically it's sound, but tatty
I've sent the photos asking for an extrra 500 euros for emotional distress.
I also told the guy to find a 16V or a G60 as they are common compared to the VR6 which is a future classic as everyone who watches top gear should know.
What should I do ?
My Corrado's life is in your hands
As you may (or not) have noticed, there are 2 cars in my sig. at the bottom of my post, an Alfa and a VW Corrado.
The Corrado has been for sale for a couple of months now at 4500 Euros with no takers.
Today I recieved a phone call which went something like this...
M = Me, O = Other guy
M - Hello
O - You have a Corrado for sale?
M - Yes...
O - What's the bodywork like?
M - Well it lives in the street, so there are a few scratches and bumps but it's not too bad. Mechanically it's fine.
O - I'm not too bothered about the mechanical side.
M - (EH !?) Why's that then.
O - I work for a production company, and we are making an advert, we need an old coupe, a Calibra, Toyota, BMW or something and I saw your Corrado on the internet.
M - Cool, what will the car be doing?
O - Well we are going to take it to a stadium and drop a wrecking ball on it from 50 ft.
M - (WTF .....silence)
O - Could you please send me some Photos so I can show them to the Director ?
M - OK, Bye.
Now, the car is a bit tatty, Mechanically it's sound, but tatty
I've sent the photos asking for an extrra 500 euros for emotional distress.
I also told the guy to find a 16V or a G60 as they are common compared to the VR6 which is a future classic as everyone who watches top gear should know.
What should I do ?
My Corrado's life is in your hands