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Hi guys.

Holly shit, I knew you had lost weight since your move, but this is impressive.
It was great to meet you both in person!
What a combo!
YAY! I gotta get back up to Utah more often and hang out. Fun place, good people.
Do it! Come hang out, we will go drive cars as slowly as possible over big rocks.
That is a stunning canyon, I always enjoy that road.
Good parsh. Man, I need a good parsh.


I rented one for my 20-year high school reunion, took a ferry over to the Olympic Peninsula and farted around a bit. FERRY HAIR! Also, Puffalump.


This was the parsh. I think that settles it: I need an aircooled 911 next.
Hell yeah, that right there is a versatile vehicle. I approve.
Congrats, you two!
That's an excellent sweatshirt in the background, too.