Post a pic of yourself

But what does that have to do with Ice then :p
Excerpt from the current hunting legislation, regarding bow hunting:

43.a ?len
(lov z lokom)

  1. Lov z lokom se smatra lov z lokom ali samostrelom.
  2. Lov z lokom je dovoljen le v lovnih oborah.
  3. Lov z lokom se lahko izvaja v okviru registriranih dru?tev ali zveze dru?tev, ki pridobijo dovoljenje za izvajanje lova z lokom. Na podlagi vloge izda dovoljenje minister v soglasju ministrom, pristojnim za varstvo narave.
  4. Lov z lokom je dovoljen samo osebam, ki imajo opravljen lovski in lokostrelski izpit ter veljavno lokostrelsko dovolilnico. Kdor ima lokostrelsko dovolilnico, nima pa lovskega izpita sme loviti z lokom le v spremstvu osebe, ki ima lovski izpit.
  5. Minister predpi?e podrobnej?e pogoje in postopek za izdajo in odvzem lokostrelske dovolilnice ter na?in izvedbe lokostrelskih izpitov.
  6. Lokostrelske dovolilnice izdaja dru?tvo ali zveza dru?tev, ki pridobi dovoljenje za izvajanje lova z lokom iz prvega odstavka tega ?lena in soglasje upravljavca oziroma imetnika lovne obore.
  7. Vlada s predpisom dolo?i vrste divjadi, ki jih je dovoljeno loviti z lokom, lovne dobe, prostor in na?in izvajanja lova z lokom ter pogoje, ki jih morajo dru?tva izpolnjevati za pridobitev dovoljenja za lov z lokom.
Article 43.a
(bow hunting)

  1. Bow hunting is considered as hunting with a bow or a crossbow.
  2. Bow hunting is only allowed in bow hunting regions (parts of a hunting area designated and run only for bow hunting)
  3. Bow hunting can only be performed by regsitered club or club unions, which have received a bow hunting permit. Upon issuing a request, the permit can only by granted by the secretary of hunting with permission from the secretary of nature safety.
  4. Bow hunting is only permitted to persons, who have passed the hunting and archery exams and have a valid archery licence. People with an archery licence, but without a hunting licence can bow hunt only if escorted by a person owning a hunting licence.
  5. The secretary can specify more detail conditions and procedures for issuing or revoking an archery licence and also archery exam procedures.
  6. Archery licences are issued by clubs or club unions, which have been issued a bow hunging permit from passage 1 of this article and permission by the owner of the archery equipment (wow, so you can't have a licence forced on you, that's good to know... WAT)
  7. The government declares which species of game are allowed to be bow hunted, bow hunting time periods, space and mode of bow hunting and conditions which the hunting clubs have to follow to be granted a bow hunting permit.
Quite complex. But that's still far in the future. First I'd like to hit a target well enough.
Good luck Ice.

Reminds me of that wonderful phrase "couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo". Can you believe that when I used that in the office at my last job, I actually had to explain it because several colleagues didn't get it?

EDIT And to the clown who changed my avatar to a Miata, mine is an NB not an NA. :p

EDIT #2 Oh I geddit now, everyone has a red Miata. Seems Q has a sense of humour after all. :lol:
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Here's a picture of me being funny with glasses next to someone who thinks I'm totally not being funny with her glasses.
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Deal with it in 3........2...........1.............
:may: Hello. (Not you, frankiess)

Here's a picture of me being funny with glasses next to someone who thinks I'm totally not being funny with her glasses.

I think you're being quite funny with her glasses, but she might be cuter.
It's a syrup*! I've seen the hi-res and you can see the join.

*Rhyming slang - syrup of fig = wig.
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Oh another thing, that picture was taken at a graveyard :lol:
My 14-year-old sister thinks the shop with your face on hammond's head is "cute". I'm ratrher disturbed.
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My 14-year-old sister thinks the shop with your face on hammond's head is "cute". I'm ratrher disturbed.

Well, the hairstyle does fit, but his teeth aren't white enough.