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Post your crashes.


.sa = bad driver!
Nov 8, 2004
Back in Saudia
I seem to have a knack for placing the cars of LFS in interesting positions:

Anyone else have some pictures of weird stuff you've done in LFS?
i was playing with one of my friends today, and his connection was messed up for some reason, so he stopped to figutre out whats wrong but meanwhile all i saw was LAG, so i drove into his "invisible" car while he was lagging and when he appeared this is what happened :lol: :lmao: :mrgreen:
(sorry for the quality)

was hanging on the fense for a while :clap: :mrgreen: :thumbsup:
lol... anyone have screenshots of crazy crashes on the first corner with like 16 people... I love those. I think we had one the first day I tried LFS... that was funny as hell
alrite... I'll see if I can find them when I get home... josty... can you post some of your replays... I'm trying to work on going round the chicane... I keep spinning off as I hit the second apex... I think theres a different method with the mouse
haha totally bumping a 1 year old thread, but what the hell I think we can get som funny pics here. I downloaded the Demo version, and I can't stop playing it haha. Looks like I turned my GTI into a crush Prius.


Blacked out my name cause some may be offended. :oops:
Lol, I completely forgot that there was such a thread. :lol:

Nice bump indeed. But well, it's not like we have 100s of active threads in the lfs section. ;)

What andy said, why not buy an S2 license and join us? :p
I think I may, gotta get up some funds to buy the license.... and gotta figure out what 25pounds is in US$.
No Boss said:
I think I may, gotta get up some funds to buy the license.... and gotta figure out what 25pounds is in US$.

About $43.00