No 56k: Post Your Desktop!

Changed mine again, and made my own icons!


How did you get your icons to go all crooked and squiggly? Mine always neatly line up, which can be annoying at times because they block the coolness that is the wallpaper
Why did you cut the pic off? :S
My guess is it's a 4:3 wallpaper and he did the most horrible job ever using it as a wallpaper. :?
lol, cut him some slack.

he is using an laptop here.
^ Umm......I think he was referring to your rather colorful background...
My quick and still dirty try at a minimalistic + rocketdock desktop, thx to shadowness... (+1)

I basically just moved the normal icons to the dock, transparented the 2 folders I usually work with, the rest is keyboard hotkeys...

lol, my pleasure :D


also, big thanks to Shadowness. Im not sure if i will keep this program, but its always nice to mess around with your dekstop config : )
^ Best desktop I have seen so far no doubt. I am too embarressed to show my 3 home machines or my work one - they are rubbish!