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Post your high-res (2048x2048) skin here!


Forum Addict
Oct 4, 2004
In order to make evn nicer screenshots, I need you guys to upload your skins from the latest race in full 1024x1024 format. Since LFS World resize skins down to 512x512, the screenshots get quite crappy because the skin on the car is all streched out in the small version, and not nice.

Use imageshack e.g. to upload your skin in 1024x1024, jpeg format and post it here.

No need to upload them all of course (though you can if you are really bored), just one by one, from the latest race, so when I take shots from the replay they will be all nice. ;)

Also, please state the name of the original jpeg along with your post, because imageshack e.g. ranames and adds stuff to the filename.

So basically something like this for example:


GT: http://img297.imageshack.**/img297/139/xrgfgpdanev8oo.jpg
Save as: XRG_fg_pdanev

Car for which you upload skin: link
Save as: file name the way it's in your Skins folder
And of course you guys can also copy the files others post here into Skins_X folder if you want to have more decent graphics in LFS. ;)
http://img341.imageshack.**/img341/488/xrgmgkdk2qn.jpg XRG_mgkdk :)
http://img11.imageshack.**/img11/3396/fo8mgkdk2mj.jpg FO8_mgkdk
http://img11.imageshack.**/img11/1210/foxmgkdk3jy.jpg FOX_mgkdk
http://img11.imageshack.**/img11/9476/fxomgkdk4yh.jpg FXO_mgkdk
http://img11.imageshack.**/img11/4882/fxrmgkdk9vv.jpg FXR_mgkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/6438/fz5mgkdk5pg.jpg FZ5_mgkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/6262/fzrmgkdk6wt.jpg FZR_mgkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/1558/helmgkdk3rz.jpg HEL_mgkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/596/lx4mgkdk8zb.jpg LX4_mdkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/5484/lx6mgkdk3ct.jpg LX6_mgkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/4824/mrtmgkdk0ij.jpg MRT_mgkdk
http://img18.imageshack.**/img18/5727/racmgkdk4bi.jpg RAC_mgkdk
http://img16.imageshack.**/img16/741/rb4mgkdk4fg.jpg RB4_mgkdk
http://img16.imageshack.**/img16/9827/uf1mgkdk4pg.jpg UF1_mgkdk
http://img3.imageshack.**/img3/782/ufrmgkdk4gb.jpg UFR_mgkdk
http://img3.imageshack.**/img3/6057/xfgmgkdk6ah.jpg XFG_mgkdk
http://img3.imageshack.**/img3/5281/xfrmgkdk0vy.jpg XFR_mgkdk
http://img3.imageshack.**/img3/8109/xrrmgkdk0ft.jpg XRR_mgkdk
http://img3.imageshack.**/img3/1919/xrtmgkdk4ob.jpg XRT_mgkdk
http://img158.imageshack.**/my.php?image=foxlukasz0kc.jpg save as FOX_LukaszNS.jpg
http://img158.imageshack.**/my.php?image=fxolukasz5ey.jpg save as FXO_LukaszNS.jpg
http://img158.imageshack.**/my.php?image=hellukasz3cv.jpg save as HEL_LukaszNS.jpg

These are the new ones
Bump/reminder, high res skins of FXR/FOX/XRT pls, or whatever you used yesterday. Thanks. :)

PS: Screenshots will be delayed till I get my laptop back from repair.
*Cough* *Cough*...

I wanna make some screenshots these days, so upload your high res skins people. So far only ESPN and MGDK have been nice enough to share all their skins, shame on rest of you!

Just put your lfs/data/skin folder in a rar file and upload it to rapidshare or yousendit etc.
Save as: FO8_LONEFG.jpg and so on.

FO8 http://img380.imageshack.**/img380/1214/fo8lonefg5vg.jpg
FOX http://img377.imageshack.**/img377/5848/foxlonefg3jz.jpg
LX4 http://img47.imageshack.**/img47/8550/lx4lonefg4zg.jpg
LX6 http://img377.imageshack.**/img377/341/lx6lonefg1oa.jpg
MRT http://img47.imageshack.**/img47/4227/mrtlonefg2tb.jpg
RB4 http://img47.imageshack.**/img47/8871/rb4lonefg7ik.jpg
RAC http://img377.imageshack.**/img377/8245/raclonefg1he.jpg
UF1 http://img51.imageshack.**/img51/3893/uf1lonefg1wb.jpg
UFR http://img377.imageshack.**/img377/1572/ufrlonefg3tu.jpg
XRG http://img477.imageshack.**/img477/9797/xrglonefg3ia.jpg
XRT http://img477.imageshack.**/img477/7035/xrtlonefg0zb.jpg
XRR http://img477.imageshack.**/img477/191/xrrlonefg9sy.jpg
XFG http://img380.imageshack.**/img380/9003/xfglonefg8ab.jpg
XFR http://img380.imageshack.**/img380/1684/xfrlonefg2be.jpg
Nice, what name do we save those under?

CarName_lonely.jpg or what?

File name needs to match the name you uploaded them with to lfsworld, or else we won't see you. :)
Might reduce fps a tiny litte bit I guess, I use the 1024 that you guys posted here, and it's ok for me, didn't notice any difference.
Heres mine ... yes it looks ghetto but i love it. :thumbsup:


Save as xfg_cop.

p.s. It my first skin. :lol:
here's one i made (first skin so don't rip too much)

i probably won't use this for races (it's UFR anyway)

screenie 1

screenie 2

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