OK, I finally have my roadtrip photos sorted. Here goes:
Dave applying his vinyls after coming through the Chunnel.
Who would live in a house like this?
Once at Beni's
We couldn't find anyone at first, but we knew there must be a Finn or two heree
Once inside, we all had a drink, cars included.
The next morning Tobi's Alfa had a wee
Then this happened:
Saw this guy riding around
Then we hit the autobahn
And spotted a silly Swiss
Before playing in the tunnels
The scenery soon became spectacular
British humour break
Up an Alp, the 7 needed some manual relocation
A lake on the way back down. At this point we put the roof of the Saab up because it was bloody freezing
The postal service the next morning
Another British humour break
The scenery remained spectacular as we headed for the Italian border
Much later we crossed in to France via a grotty tunnel
You can only hope that there isn't an Alfa behind you
Heading to Sospel, we stopped to admire the Saab, and the view of course.
Alfa optional mop handle, because the bonnet will be open so much the struts will wear out in weeks
Driver names were added to cars
And we made our way to Monaco
Later in the day after loosing the 7 we headed up this road on our way back to Italy again
High quality shade hunters
Group shot after going through the Mont Blanc tunnel, all considerably lighter on money.
Enjoying the night at the campsite before being told to keep it down
The next day
Then the 8er got all hot and bothered
The next day again and Thomas activated the Pineapple Grenade feature on the Audi
The final day of the trip, we're a bunch of big kids
Why yes, I am Matt
Some fine rock Woollarding