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Problem with Torrents, please help im a bit of a noob


Nov 17, 2008
I have been using the RSS Feed since it was introduced with my uTorrent program. Well since mininova is no longer where the torrents are coming from I have had issues with my downloads. My process usually involves me downloading, then firing up a program I have called PS3video, to convert the video for PS3 playback.

Last weeks episode for example I could only hear the audio, but no video. I assume it is a codec issue, but I have no idea how to solve this issue. I downloaded the program listed within the stickied posts, but I still couldn't find the solution.

So I was hoping before this evenings episode someone could point me in the direction of the correct codec so I can watch tonight's episode from the comfort of my chair, instead of trying to find a place that has it online.