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Progress of Live for Speed Stage 2


Forum Addict
May 29, 2004
The three guys Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey and Victor
van Vlaardingen are busy making Stage 2 of Live for Speed.
You can follow their progress on their own site. They give updates every now and then and even give a look at the cars in a few programs they have for download.

Feel free to post the updates in this area and keep us all informed.

Video: http://www.liveforspeed.net/file_lfs.php?name=S2clip.zip








Many more: http://www.liveforspeed.net/?page=screenshots
I see a Fuelgage on the dashboard, I hope we can have real pitstops to change tires, refill etc. Would be awesome!

Yeah, second picture from the bottom in my post is of a fuel refill according to the image filename. :thumbup:
OOh! It looks good, too...
Gonna buy it for sure... Any ETA???

None that I know of.
I've actually played S2 for 2-3 laps in Helsinki MotorShow couple of months ago. People who made RaceAbout brought some early version without damage modelling and other stuff. With only car (which was RaceAbout of course). I tried it with wheel and pedals, and couldn't make 2 corners in a row :(

P.S. RaceAbout is a project car in polytechnics school here, and it's in the LFS S2.
Damage?!?! Sweet! :thumbup:
I'll get the demo first, I'll probably buy it anyway, unless the handling is really bad...but I don't think so..
Hot car! :D


the rear is practically taken off the Ferrari 456 and the front looks alot like the Nissan 350Z... lol.... I prob. but LFS S2 when it releases... I'll just stick to the demo for S1 as I'm really crap and I can't even control the RWD car :lol:
There are some really brute "new" cars, the GT becomes a GTR and that little Gti becomes a GtiR..

IF you already have problems controlling the N/A GT, than don't even think about getting in the GTR :lol:
I'm gna try to kick all of your asses in the GTi... watch out this weekend... I doing some serious tweaking to get low 1:40's :lol:
I'm really looking forward to this car:

Now Viper can join us in the GTi race with this, you might keep up this time :D ;)

Jostyrostelli said:
I'm really looking forward to this car:

Now Viper can join us in the GTi race with this, you might keep up this time :D ;)

Don't joke, that's probably true. :p