Questions game

Are Zondas not far sexier than Lambos?
This is purity of truth, is it not?
Nah this is subjective, otherwise wouldn't we have the same opinion if we were talking about absolute truth?
Where did it get put last?
Should we check Piccolo's other pants pocket?
Do you think you'll need to sterelize it then?
Did your mind just fall into the gutter?
Isn't it always there?
Doesn't that become a problem?
Do you think it's ever a problem for him?
Is it a problem for any of us?
Did you just unearth this thread from a shallow grave with construction workers?
Because of Parkinson's?
Yo dawg I herd you like memes in your game thread?
Can I ask a real question?

Does anyone here know how to reuse the Coleman Brite Ice ice pack thingy? (Mine came without instructions for reusing)
Why does google only link me to websites selling them?

/Yay, after much finding, I found it! The solution: Simply refreeze in the freezer! :p
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