Nothing works, friend of mine tried acupuncture (sp?) didn help, reducing the amount doesnt work, pathes etc dont work, nicotine gum doesnt work. The only thing that works is willpower. Nothing else, magic pills and gums wont do the trick.
I've been on the bad habit for 7-8years now (yes i know i started when i was very young, no need to give me a lecture on how bad it is). I managed to quit 1/2year ago for about 2 months, but had quite a tough period at university, so back i was in the game. At that time, i stoped just like that. What helped: get rid of all the smell round you, wash all your clothes, including bad clothes, pillow etc, just everything that has the smell of cigarettes. Buy some incents (sp?), those smelly things that burn, make a big draft for a day, so that you really get rid of all that smell. Buy a lot of chewing gums and a bag of candys. Whenever i felt like i need a smoke, i immediately grabbed something to chew. Its gonna be quite tough the 1st 4-5days, if you survive that, than you're on good track. However! Avoid going out with people that smoke (in my case that was 90% the ppl i knew), and avoid going to places where there are a lot of smokers (keep this for 1-2weeks). You have to change your lifestyle quite a bit.
I dont know how it is in your case but for me everything was tied up to a cigarette. Morning: coffee + cigarette. When i went to university, i smoked one before i went to class. Then during the brake, then after it again with a coffee. Get home, while you prepare your lunch i smoked one, after lunch one, before i start studying one, i study, when i need a brake i get a cigarette, etc etc etc. All these time slots when you have 10-15minutes to waste and you dont have anything to concentrate on is bound to smoking. So you really have to keep yourself busy, and i mean really busy 24/7.
Now im not smoking since a month already, and this time its definitely over for me! Hard time at university is over, so that was it.
I dont know if this helps or not, but this is my experience with stopping. I was smoking 1 pack per day, so it wasnt easy. The one thing that can help you is willpower. You need to hammer into your brain a reason why you have to stop smoking. Otherwise it wont work. Keep telling yourself that its bad for your health, that its a lot of money etc. Just dont give up easily, and try to distract yourself all the time and not to think about smoking.
BTW, its not over within a few weeks. Even after it every now and then you will get a strong feeling to have a cigarette when you go out, when you walk by a cofeehouse etc, so its not easy.
Once again, willpower and a reason to stop! There is no magic unfortunatelly that you can take/drink/eat...