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Radical Suggestions for next season


Forum Addict
Jun 4, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
00' Subaru Forester GT
Since this season is almost over, I thought we make a suggestions thread for next season. I've read several other leagues and their styles of leagues.

Instead on incorporating 1 huge league of 15races, maybe we should do 3 small ones. Every league, a player must choose a specific car and stick with the car for the entire league. And for fairness, all the tracks will be listed before the player makes his/her choice. And the winner will be calculated by the total time needed to complete all 5races and not just positions of each race. And if the person is 1lap behind, we'll take their time for the last lap and add it to their time.

What about you guys, anyone have any ideas
Re: Radical Suggestions for next season

andyhui01 said:
Every league, a player must choose a specific car and stick with the car for the entire league. And for fairness, all the tracks will be listed before the player makes his/her choice.
So someone can choose the Formula V8, and a other an UF1, and race on the same track?

andyhui01 said:
And the winner will be calculated by the total time needed to complete all 5races and not just positions of each race. And if the person is 1lap behind, we'll take their time for the last lap and add it to their time.
:) but aren't the gaps than bigger? because in some races, you finish 3rd with 40 seconds behind the leader, and number 4th with 1 minute and 50 seconds.
Nooononono. This is not a good idea at all IMHO! We are having the car class division for a reason, so that there is a close race. UF1 and V8 on the same track would be ridiculous. There wouldn't be a difference then between hotlapping in singleplayer mode, and racing we do here than. Everyone would be lapping his own lonely laps. Not good! And let's keep it realistic guys, you don't see such overcomplicated methods of racing in real life either.

I do like the listing of track car combos well in advance though. (Not that we are having problems now, but still, would be better to list everything in advance.)

I have one suggestion for change, what is also used in the Hungarian National LFS League. Namely, that you have to race every (almost every) car in the season. It works like this. First we have a list/schedule for track/car class combos. However the change is, that you have to race each car from a particular class at least once.

Say we have the following combos on random, not necessarily consecutive dates in the season.
Track A - GTRs
Track B - GTRs
Track C - GTRs

If you chose FXO GTR for track A, it means that you can not chose it for track B and C. If you chose FZ50 GTR for track B, you will have to use the the Turbo GTR on track C.

Of course if we have more than 3 tracks with GTRs scheduled, you are free to chose again.

And in case we have less races sheduled for the car class than there are cars, then the principle of you can't take twice the same car applies.

Same for other car classes as well. That way things should be a bit more interesting, since you are not always racing the car you are best/most comfortable with. ;)

And we need some discounting system to compensate for 1-2missed races, as was suggested a few weeks/months earlier. :)
pdanev said:
And we need some discounting system to compensate for 1-2missed races, as was suggested a few weeks/months earlier.

pdanev... I think I mentioned it once on msn to you while readng N1 racing league rules... they just take out the worst result for every player :D

and ff and pdanev, that wasn't what I meant. I should have been more clear, what I meant was say we choose a class of GTR's and ESPN takes the FZR, ME takes the FXR and ff takes the XRR and we race ASclub for example, then the next race so happens to be AScadet, but espn cannot come along and say, oh no, FZR will be shit on this track, I wna change to the FXR... the answer will be too bad, you have to stick to your car you chose in the first place. BUT to make things not biased, the tracks would be out before you make the choice
^ So you mean you have to stick to one car within the class, right?

That makes more sense now. :) But still, even like that, I'm not a fan tbh. I like diversity, hence why I also suggested the "usage of every car"/"no car twice" within a car class rule.
I like that rule... seems very interesting :D

although it works to my disadvantage though :lol:... I can only drive FWD/4WD cars really well
okay... seems we have a new rule for the season, but what about car track combinations?... anyone have any new suggestions they recently tried?... we needa pull about 15combinations before febuary next year.
^ We could try drawing the track / car combinations at random. :p
andyhui01 said:
okay... seems we have a new rule for the season, but what about car track combinations?... anyone have any new suggestions they recently tried?... we needa pull about 15combinations before febuary next year.

Lol andy, this season just ended, and you are already planing the next one which won't start before January 7 or so. Give it a rest for a week or two, that we can start planning. ;)
Can we make 2 classes for each race? Like in Le Mans Series? People with FWD GTRs in the same track as bigger GTRs?
bihus said:
Can we make 2 classes for each race? Like in Le Mans Series? People with FWD GTRs in the same track as bigger GTRs?

so we randomly assign people in the 2classes?
Or you choose the one you want. It would be easier if there was a minimum of people joining, but we can make one race like that before the next season start, just to test it, or to have fun.
I think we aren't enough people for this.
If we can chose, everyone will take always the easier car.
Dunno, I think it's a bit complicated to implement, but well, we can always try if there are enough people supporting the idea. :)
I like the idea, but how would this work as far as points?
I think it'll be tough at times for the faster class not to run in to the slower ones. :lol:
Don't forget the point of this whole thing. Having fun, competing. Points are not the most important thing. If we divide it all to classes, we will have even less competition at every race... Makes it more boring imho. And complicated.
I honestly think we should have a passenger handicap system so it makes it more interesting... I'm sure even though ESPN wins every race, he wouldn't like to be driving alone 10secs ahead of everyone. If he had some passengers, it would make it more competitive?... anyone agree?
Andy where have you been? Stop daydreaming and pay attention to important threads. :p

j/k ;)

The handicap system has been an idea for quite a while, I'm also all in for it. Think about it during the holiday people, and come up with a reasonable way to implement it. ;)