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Random Thoughts (Political Edition)

Publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology​


A nasty, mutant strain of populism has taken hold of Florida and the rest of red-state America. Facts don’t matter. Medical science is rejected. Literary masterpieces are banned. Abortion is outlawed. Teachers are persecuted. Disney is villainized. MAGA pols, up to their shins in sunny-day flooding, deny that we’re in the throes of global warming.

Meanwhile, MAGA heroes’ lies, sexual misdeeds and financial shenanigans are dismissed as media inventions. Jury verdicts and fair elections are disparaged as leftwing conspiracies.
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Mexico has elected Claudia Sheinbaum as President. It's first women and first Jewish individual to hold the office of President.

Publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology​

The headline got my hopes up. The only thing they apologized for is a single false claim about one individual who they falsely said was ballot harvesting, who sued them.
D-Day was today 80 years ago. Let's hope we'll never need a D-Day again...

...and The History Channel has played nothing but Pawn Stars since 7:00am, and that continues for at least another 3 hours. No, I'm not kidding: that's their actual program schedule for today.
...and The History Channel has played nothing but Pawn Stars since 7:00am, and that continues for at least another 3 hours. No, I'm not kidding: that's their actual program schedule for today.

Talk about missing the mark.
These are true political random thoughts...

I should be thinking about my groceries...


But my mind is just back a page....


Oh yeah... I clicked that didn't I...


I read an article by that author


What was the article that had me wondering who was the author. What yarn did they...

Well... Everyone's got their crosses

These disabled people tried to play by the rules. It cost them their federal benefits​

Referring to the European election results: it’s cruelly ironic to see much of the continent falling for the same kind of lies, demagoguery and incitement that the population of the UK seems about to finally vote out of their parliament.
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