Two of the HDDs in my NAS/Frankenstein's monster/whatever are on their last legs, one seems to even be dead completely. The deader one even seems to be the one I recently RMA'd, so it's basically a fairly new HDD.
I'm starting to wonder if it's the HDDs (two were even used Toshiba units that ran out of warranty in 2020), or the server itself? I mean, the server itself is 100% used parts, including the PSU. I would've got a new PSU, but I was on a really tight budget.
I know it was a bad idea from the start, but I kinda like bad ideas...
Also, I need to clean my external HDD. I want to offload the crap that's currently on in, and use it for stuff I really need only. But I basically need to have a working NAS in order to do that, so I might need to buy a €200+ 6TB NAS drive. Which ones should I consider? Should I avoid Seagate?
I don't really feel like spending €200+ on a HDD (I'm thinking of buying just one, as the deader HDD is still under warranty), but I'm already too invested into this Frankenstein's monster, and I'm not sure external HDDs are necessarily a good solution to solely rely on...