Random Thoughts....

Random thought: I think this is probably the most romantic picture ever taken. It's Stephen Hawking (obviously) and Elaine Mason in 1995. (link)


BlaRo's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then the true meaning of Christmas came through, and BlaRo found the strength of ten BlaRos plus two.

^ Fun fact: Hawking's motorized wheel chair is appointed with ?rich Corinthian leather?.
Fun Fact #2: She was his nurse, and was previously married to David Mason, the designer of the first version of Hawking's talking computer.

In October 2006, Hawking filed for divorce.

im in ur hart, crushin ur happyness
Note to self: stop sleeping when you're not supposed to be sleeping and start sleeping when you should be sleeping!
Note to self: stop sleeping when you're not supposed to be sleeping and start sleeping when you should be sleeping!
Just work 3rd shift like me, instead. You might as well get paid for your backwards sleep schedule.
could be dangerous. Good relationship with ex? or bad?
^if it's something Facebook has told you, ITS A TARP!!!!1111
^if it's something Facebook has told you, ITS A TARP!!!!1111
Not only is his ex's best friend into him, but Britney also has an IQ of 124 and is smarter than he is.
I hate having to do law essays, especially when I leave them to the last minute.
I have to write 6,000 words on:
"Estoppel is no longer required as a defence to restitutionary claims and should therefore cease to be available to defendants." To what extent do you agree with this statement? Explain your reasons.

Deep joy. Anyway, I've been doing it pretty much solidly since yesterday morning and I'm up to about 4,000 words. Hopefully I'll get it done this afternoon before I go to work. My bed and desk is completely covered in textbooks, cases and journal articles.
One of My Ex's best friends thinks I'm cute .... do I?

If all of you can act like adults: Have at it!

If not: Go for it anyway... You might get laid..
One of My Ex's best friends thinks I'm cute .... do I?

.... hehehehehe.....

my former best friend thought my ex was cute.... guess why she became my former best friend 2 weeks after I broke up with him :rolleyes:

But yeah, if you wait a good period of time (i.e. more than 2 weeks :lol:) and (if you are on good terms with the ex) talk to her about it so she knows before all her friends gossip to her about it, yeah, should be good. Be prepared for a bit of ribbing though from your mates.

And if the ex full-on goes mental and tell you she is completely against it, don't try to start a fight. Do the whole "I respect your opinion, but.." thing.

/rant about a certain bi-atch.

Do have to admit, i did this too, but I waited a year and a bit before acting, and I was on good terms with the ex. In reality, I should have stayed with the first ex (but we are better off as friends I guess) given the second ex is an absolute.... man-whore. The one that dated my aforementioned former best friend too, then 3 other girls from my group of friends (still with one of them, makes out with her in front of us all- BIG NO-NO in front of ex-es!!!!).

/rant about man-whore.
Telly tubby Warrior where are you!
Why do I have the feeling this is no longer finalgear, but Oprah's website?