Random Thoughts....

Eh? What are you using as the "start" of the internet? Because 1995 is not it. TCP/IP has been around since the 70's, ARPANET died in 90, WWW was live in 92, et cetera.
I wasn?t refering to any "start" ... 1995 is the year the internet left the university labs and became mainstream and really open to everyone. It has been around much earlier of course, but fueled by comercial interests, it "kicked in" just then ...

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Plus some commercial restrictions by the US government ended in 95 and people could capitalize on the internet all they wanted to... and we all know how that ended. "Yeah! Free money from the internet! Oh shi- no. No! NO! IT'S ALL GONE!"
Considering the 'man' thing..... I don't know if this frase is know in the rest of the world but over here everyone (ai satan's, womens magazines!) is constatly wining about 'the new males' , they are supposedly heterosexual males who like typically feminin things, housework, watching soap opera's, shopping with the misses, that sorta thing, and thislikes 'male' passtimes, drinks at bars, cars, you get the idea.
A dirrivant from this is the metrosexual, this is a new male that takes things a step further and spends so much time on his looks that he's actualy almost becoming a woman.... "oh no my sweet, I won't be out with the boys for a drink, we'l go to a spa where we can both get a facial, and aftherwards we can drop by your mothers for some tea"

needless to say, as a rather traditional member of the male species THIS PISSES ME OFF!
Your a guy, act like one dammit!

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

- Robert Heinlein
"People" born in the 90's aren't actually people.

This is also relevant: People who don't remember a time without the Internet have drivers licenses.

... Jesus god there are probably HUNDREDS of them on this forum.... I just absolutely creeped myself out. I actually want to go ball up in a corner and cry. And in about six months, that threshold creeps up to pre-Google.

People born on the 1970's are really the minority here, the 1980's are the majority.

This is my new favorite website. The Art of Manliness

If this isn't either jayhawk's or Blind Io's homepage, then I'm shocked. :eek:

Well, I have considered it. :unsure: Put a beard on that guy and lighten up his skin and that is me. Yes, I have bryll cream type hair.

needless to say, as a rather traditional member of the male species THIS PISSES ME OFF!
Your a guy, act like one dammit!

Too right.

"A human being should be able to...Specialization is for insects."

Or Germans. :|
Considering the 'man' thing..... I don't know if this frase is know in the rest of the world but over here everyone (ai satan's, womens magazines!) is constatly wining about 'the new males' , they are supposedly heterosexual males who like typically feminin things, housework, watching soap opera's, shopping with the misses, that sorta thing, and thislikes 'male' passtimes, drinks at bars, cars, you get the idea.
A dirrivant from this is the metrosexual, this is a new male that takes things a step further and spends so much time on his looks that he's actualy almost becoming a woman.... "oh no my sweet, I won't be out with the boys for a drink, we'l go to a spa where we can both get a facial, and aftherwards we can drop by your mothers for some tea"

needless to say, as a rather traditional member of the male species THIS PISSES ME OFF!
Your a guy, act like one dammit!
Soap, I don't need soap. Hell I don't need water, a spit in my hands is all I need, and I have done that countless times.
*looks at your age* <_<

Internet kicked in when I was 17 ... how do you remember a time without the internet? You were eight then. I mean, you were 12 when Google started it?s Monopoly ... do you remember a Internet without Google? I do ... now get off my lawn you pesky kids!

I mean without the Internet being a common household thing - which was the mid to late 90's in the US.

I featured in an educational training video for using fucking Gopher in 1992 (I fear that if that video ever resurfaces I may have to commit suicide). I had an Internet connection at home in '93. Google can piss off - bunch of exploitative newfags. So yeah, my memory of times without the Internet are rather lacking - but that's because I was a really geeky kid. Normal children, on the other hand, should just now be coming up on that threshold (unless they've got really shit long term memories)
Considering the 'man' thing..... I don't know if this frase is know in the rest of the world but over here everyone (ai satan's, womens magazines!) is constatly wining about 'the new males' , they are supposedly heterosexual males who like typically feminin things, housework, watching soap opera's, shopping with the misses, that sorta thing, and thislikes 'male' passtimes, drinks at bars, cars, you get the idea.
A dirrivant from this is the metrosexual, this is a new male that takes things a step further and spends so much time on his looks that he's actualy almost becoming a woman.... "oh no my sweet, I won't be out with the boys for a drink, we'l go to a spa where we can both get a facial, and aftherwards we can drop by your mothers for some tea"

needless to say, as a rather traditional member of the male species THIS PISSES ME OFF!
Your a guy, act like one dammit!

I dunno, this is mostly what women's magazines want. Pretty much all the women I know want a man who acts like a man without acting like a fool. So this means the ability to keep yourself clean and groomed without spending hours in front of the mirror, sport as a hobby and a passion rather than an obsession, and perhaps respecting the fact that women enjoy tea and a day at the spa without the need to belittle it. The whole metrosexual thing has frankly gone a bit far in my opinion. You can take care of yourself and dress nicely without needing to be.... that. I don't find myself drawn to that type at all. There's a real balance to be had there.

I wasn?t refering to any "start" ... 1995 is the year the internet left the university labs and became mainstream and really open to everyone. It has been around much earlier of course, but fueled by comercial interests, it "kicked in" just then ...


I mean without the Internet being a common household thing - which was the mid to late 90's in the US.

I featured in an educational training video for using fucking Gopher in 1992 (I fear that if that video ever resurfaces I may have to commit suicide). I had an Internet connection at home in '93. Google can piss off - bunch of exploitative newfags. So yeah, my memory of times without the Internet are rather lacking - but that's because I was a really geeky kid. Normal children, on the other hand, should just now be coming up on that threshold (unless they've got really shit long term memories)

We also had internet starting some time in 1992/1993 (can't remember exactly). It was through Prodigy and it was heavy metered, expensive, and slow as hell but it was internet. No one in my family is or was especially geeky.
My family got the first computer in 1995, paid for with an inheritance ffs because computers were so expensive back then. Internet? 1999. Flatrate? 2000 (my parents were quite open to the argument that it was cheaper than our usual bill). Broadband? Also 2000 (again, cheaper :D).
In the years between that, I used the computer mainly for gaming and of course some writing. Today I wouldn't know what to do with a computer that doesn't have permanent unmetered Internet access.
So a good friend turns 21 today. He's a math/physics geek. He wanted to go to the Zaphod Beeblebrox night club in Ottawa and order a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, but that didn't work out. Instead I got him a bottle of Absinthe made with worm wood, which he's also been wanting to try. :lol:
I dunno, this is mostly what women's magazines want. Pretty much all the women I know want a man who acts like a man without acting like a fool. So this means the ability to keep yourself clean and groomed without spending hours in front of the mirror, sport as a hobby and a passion rather than an obsession, and perhaps respecting the fact that women enjoy tea and a day at the spa without the need to belittle it. The whole metrosexual thing has frankly gone a bit far in my opinion. You can take care of yourself and dress nicely without needing to be.... that. I don't find myself drawn to that type at all. There's a real balance to be had there.

The balance thing is what I was alluding to with the Heinlein quote. Frankly, I think the whole metrosexual thing is dying down after being huge 3 or 4 years ago (anybody remember Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?), but the well-rounded man must also know how to clean up and look sharp. It's not "manscaping," but if it involves moisturizer and actually taking a shower sometime this week, then it's just another facet to masculinity.
I'm hungry, too.

Curse you, lack of money!
Beware the Ides of March!


Thats me :lol: I turn 18 in 20 days now.

I do know how you feel. The year 7s next year will be millenium babies, and the year after that will be post-9/11 babies. That's fucked up - even I remember where I was after 9/11. :|

I was having Spelling at my 4th grade class.

I don't doubt him on that to much, a memory burned bright in my mind was being held by my Mom late at night being fed and seeing the green light of the clock in the kitchen of our old microwave. I don't remember much of it but it is somewhat vivid, I think our mind captures the moment that we first become self aware and he might have become self aware at that point.

My first memory is being in a Booster seat in Mom's Celica.

"A human being should be able to... die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

- Robert Heinlein

Can do: balance accounts, build a wall,program a computer, cook a tasty meal,solve equations, analyze a new problem,give orders, cooperate, act alone.

Can't:change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,set a bone, comfort the dying,take orders,pitch manure,fight efficiently.
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I do know how you feel. The year 7s next year will be millenium babies, and the year after that will be post-9/11 babies. That's fucked up - even I remember where I was after 9/11. :|

I had just gotten back home the day before after being in BC for my grandpa's funeral. I was in the living room getting ready for school, ie. eating a bowl of rice krispies. Saw the second plane live.