Random Thoughts....

I should probably sleep, what with being awake since like 1pm on... erm... a day? I dunno' I loose track.

But I just can't bring myself to do it... :?
You know you loathe your job when you dread coming in to work nearly 14 hours before you actually have to. :p :/
Mass Effect 3. I've spent quite a bit of time over the last few days finishing up another play-through of ME2.


I've given up on Episode 3. I'm just waiting for Half Life 3.

Ah right. I've never played Mass Effect.

I'm waiting for Metal Gear Rising too, but the chance of that coming out this year is kinda hmmmm. Set for an Autumn release so I heard but, yeah. Not likely I reckon.
You should. I've been meaning to finish it and ME 2 since over 2 years now D:

The few hours I did spend mucking about showed promise.

Hmm I guess I'll get round to it eventually. Everyone's getting bombarded with games at the mo, being the new year an all. I never seen so many advertised before. o_O
Uncharted 3 also comes out in November.
Uncharted 1 and 2 is quite possibly the best game I have ever played in my 30+ years of playing video games.

But I'm also looking forward to DNF.
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Skyrim and BF3 and Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 and Arkham City and Brink and Crysis 2 and Homefront and DNF, *gasp for air* oh my! And Diablo III, if it actually comes out this year. And maybe some other new franchises, always hard to pre-judge those with nothing to compare it to before anyone's gotten their hands on it. I don't think I've ever been interested in so many games in one year.
I spent 7 1/2 hours in shareholders and board of directors meetings today. I have 9 pages of notes. And I'm exhausted.
This is KTIT, K-Tit! Bringing you the breast- err, best tunes in town.

/stops with the DN quotes.